Kuktem Clans Association profile picture

Kuktem Clans Association

Welcome to Kuktem Clanz Assosiation

About Me

VISION"TO BE A WORLD CLASS COMPETENCY-BASED TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY"MISSION"We aim to provide the highest quality competency-based technical education to meet and exceed the needs of our customers by offering excellent academic programs and skills training. We strive to continuously improve our business through innovation and technology development. To realize the above, we recognize our associates as our most valuable asset. We are committed to develop their full potential through participative and team involvement by providing a conducive environment that encourages creativity and innovativeness."

My Interests

List of Senior Officers

YH Professor Dato' Dr Abu Azam bin Md Yassin
[email protected]

Deputy Rector (Academic)
Professor Dr. Mortaza bin Mohamed
[email protected]

Academic Affairs
Professor Md. Nujid bin Ismail
[email protected]

Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technology
Mr. Mohd. Shafie Bin Bakar
[email protected]

Faculty of Computer Systems & Software Engineering
Ruzaini bin Abdullah Arshah
[email protected]

Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering Technology
Assoc. Prof. Nordin bin Endut
[email protected]

Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Fadzil bin Mat Yahaya
[email protected]

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Mansor bin Wan Muhammad
[email protected]

Centre of Modern Languages and Human Sciences
Ainol Haryati binti Ibrahim
[email protected]

Tuan Hj. Mohd. Ghani bin Salleh
[email protected]

Deputy Registrar (Chancellory)
Wan Abdul Rashid bin Wan Abdul Rahman
[email protected]

Deputy Registrar (Student Affairs)
Ghazali bin Hasan
[email protected]

Norliza binti Arshad
[email protected]

Chief Librarian
Tuan Hj. Ruslan bin Che Pee
[email protected]

Head of Information Technology Centre
Wan Maseri binti Wan Mohamad
[email protected]

I'd like to meet:

About The UniversityIn the year 2001, the Malaysian Government decided to set up a public technology and competency-based technical university named:UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, MALAYSIAThis university college has been established under the University and University College Act 1971.Note: The major difference between a university and a university college is a university offers courses in all areas of knowledge, whereas a university college focuses on specific areas. The Cabinet has determined that this university employs the concept of a technical university college, where the main focus will be on areas related to:i) Chemical, Petrochemical and Natural Resources Industry ii) Manufacturing and Process IndustryIn March 2002, The Higher Education Committee, Ministry of Education has approved the establishment of 5 faculties: 1.Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology. 2.Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering Technology. 3.Faculty of Computer Systems and Software Engineering. 4.Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. 5.Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering .By 2005, 4 faculties and 2 centers of learning would have been established : 1) Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering Technology 2) Faculty of Industrial Sciences 3) Faculty of Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Technology 4) Faculty of Technology Management 5) Center for Social Science Studies 6) Center for Post-Graduate Education



STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL (MPP KUKTEM ) SESSION 2003/2004 President : Mohd. Rahmat bin Mohd. NordinVice President : Hairul Azwani bin AzimanSecretary : Ili Izyan Safuraa binti Abdul KarimTreasurer : Zaleha binti SallehCouncil Members:Gunasegaran s/o Krishnan Mohd. Syam Suhaidi bin Ismail Yasmin binti Yusoff Mohd. Ridzuan bin Azizan





KUKTEM Campus at Gambang

KUKTEM started its operation in January 2002 at Bandar Indera Mahkota 8, Kuantan, PAHANG. Due to expanding demands, KUKTEM had moved to a bigger campus in Gambang, Kuantan.

Operations at the KUKTEM's Gambang Campus (formerly MEC City) started in May 2003.

About 800 new students had enrolled in June 2003 for the 2003/2004 session.

My Blog

plz read this...

aku akan meng`edit` page ni..hehehe..takkan nak biar skema camni je..hahaha...so, korang kalo ade ape2 cadangan utk ape yg aku perlu edit kat page ni & kalo nak tlg skali edit korang bagitau la...lagi...
Posted by Kuktem Clans Association on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

from me to the kuktem clans...

aku bukannye tak nak reveil semua ni....tapi aku rase wat sementara waktu ni biar la aku nak stay camni...snang skit keje aku...apepon..aku harap korang semua dapat meng`havoc`kan group ni...slalu2 la...
Posted by Kuktem Clans Association on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

poor kuktem...oh poor..

hahahha....kesian betul aku tgk bile server kuktem telah digunakan dgn meluasnye dlm myspace ni...hehhehehe....tapi ape leh buat...tu pon satu kemudahan kita gak...hehhehe....asalkan inbox memo tu tak...
Posted by Kuktem Clans Association on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Ingin tau sape owner kpd page ni?

saba beb...nanti sure aku bagitau...tapi aku bkan aa ade pangkat kat kuktem ni...just student gak...hahahhaa...saje2 wat camni....nak bagi gempak skit....hehehheh...
Posted by Kuktem Clans Association on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST