Unsigned Hype! General(Campbell),Murda(Huffin),Hollow Points(Shabazz),D-Rugz(Davis),and Dice(Pope)all make up the new group called Startin 5 These talened young men,who have came together in late September 2004,all grew up on the streets of Paterson New Jersey Being that we have NYC,ATL,StLouis,Detroit,New Orleans,and Chicago,Startin 5 has stepped up to prove to the rest of the world which city is the next to blow on the Hip-Hop map Michael Campbell aka General,started off as Huffin's aka Murda manager,and then inspired to write,has put their brains together and have gotten serious In a matter of time have recruited Davis aka D-Rugz and Pope aka Dice,which made up the Final 4Yet General,who was introduced to Hollow Points,who is known as a legend for his aggressive flow,has made Startin 5 an outstanding lyrical squad The 4 members ,growing up with very little,say they could not afford to buy artist records or tapes,so they look up to the now 28yr old Shabazz for record knowledge and support Their 3 track demo,best of both hoods,Unfinished Business mixtapes speak for thmselves,but is needed to be heard'Startin 5 is the new breed of rap',says manager General!RECORD LABELS TAKE NOTICE,THE FUTURE IS HERE!!!