☺♥JERONDA☺♥ profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace
I am often highly appropriate and respectful. I say ma'am and sir to my elders. I am a cunning artist honing my ninja skills as your next BAD ASS author. I am very talented and not at all very modest as dictated by accepted social decorum. I have become slightly prejudiced about certain things and rightfully so, but my self-justified bigotry is always funny. I love hanging by myself. I'm fascinated by my own company and never feel lonely or bored when I am not around other people. I don't need validation or acknowledgement from anyone. I very well know that I am special, sexy, beautiful, and worthy of being loved. I have deadly allergies to fish. I pride myself on my objectivity. I am excellent at pretending to pay attention. I dress in a way that most people don't understand, but like none the less. I suppress everything, and I'm afraid I'll explode one day. I have amazing friends whom I respect and adore. I'm an emotional wreck!!! I am usually a terrible judge of character. I'm not your typical anything. I'm a bit of everything. I was truly loved by my father and my five brothers. So I know how a woman should be treated. I slack off. I lie for fun. LOL I like to speak Yiddish, and I'm learning French. I am finally accepting of the gap between my teeth. I clean, yet, I'm habitually messy... (so he says)... I think squash and olives are disgusting. I am highly annoyed by trends and cliches but sometimes embrace them for irony's sake. Or make up my own. I LOVE 80's music!!! I am friends with everyone, except you. I like the smell of the air from the AC. I embrace beauty. I forgive. I hold grudges. I like flat soda. I am weird in a good way. I'll write a book one day, and you will purchase a copy. I am very much in love. I am very much in hate. What about you?

My Interests

Modeling and Fashion For booking send all requests and inquiries to [email protected] or call 954-592-0533.. href=http://www.mspslink.com/MDFodHRwOi8vdcJ2FTa20AGfJvjafcU PUrNlKs75LTKW3CPWADu5WyDg

I'd like to meet:


80's Baby!!!


Cooley High (fave of all time), Babes In Toyland, A Bronx Tale, 16 Blocks, and Goodfellas.


Sex and the City, Girlfriends, Real World, any thing on the Food Network and Style Channels...


Tha Art Of Seduction (Must read)!!! Daphne's Book, Karrine Steffans (Confessions of a Video Vixen)... Kerry Wasmungen (When I die)I've been writing. I hope for my book to be published by the time I'm 25...


My Creator

My Blog

When Does A Man Retire The Thrill of The Chase When It Comes To A Woman’s Mind?

   Someone very special inspired me to write this blog. Okay... Soooooo, it takes me awhile (post-sex, post-trauma, after the cuddling, hours, months, sometimes years) to open up. Latel...
Posted by :eJERONDA:e on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 11:46:00 PST

A White Woman's Disposition About Black Men's Relationships with Black Women

..> ..>     A white woman's letter to black men about black women. A blog I copied from someone's page, THANKS FOR THE READING.... "A WHITE WOMAN'S LETTER TO BLACK MEN ABOUT BLACK WOMEN...
Posted by :eJERONDA:e on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:15:00 PST

Poetry (YESTER was a DAY)

YESTER was a DAY...    YESTER was DAY without you. Hit snooze twice, Got up,And brushed my teeth like I always do.I delayed my showerCause' I knew that the memories would rush back.Two days ...
Posted by :eJERONDA:e on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 03:24:00 PST


IF A MAN WANTS YOU... If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit)...
Posted by :eJERONDA:e on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 03:40:00 PST

(Poem) On That Night

"On That Night" I've never met someone as sincere as you, as nice as you, As sexual as you. You gave my body a clue.   But see, I did things unthought of. Made love to your mind INSTEAD OF DOWN B...
Posted by :eJERONDA:e on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 02:50:00 PST

(Poem) I Want To...... But

I Want To...... But Still, I can`t express the way I feel about you. I want to say "I love you,"But my lips won`t force me to. I want to show you how much I care,But I can`tOf fear that for long you w...
Posted by :eJERONDA:e on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 02:55:00 PST