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Still Looking for Marianne Robinson

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Alfred Lord Tennyson



"Mariana in the Moated Grange"
-- Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

With blackest moss the flower-plots
Were thickly crusted, one and all;
The rusted nails fell from the knots
That held the pear to the gable-wall.
The broken sheds looked sad and strange:
Unlifted was the clinking latch;
Weeded and worn the ancient thatch
Upon the lonely moated grange.
She only said, "My life is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said, "I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead!"

Her tears fell with the dews at even;
Her tears fell ere the dews were dried;
She could not look on the sweet heaven,
Either at morn or eventide.
After the flitting of the bats,
When thickest dark did trance the sky,
She drew her casement-curtain by,
And glanced athwart the glooming flats.
She only said, "The night is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said, "I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead!"
Upon the middle of the night,
Waking she heard the night-fowl crow:
The cock sung out an hour ere light:
From the dark fen the oxen's low
Came to her: without hope of change,
In sleep she seemed to walk forlorn,
Till cold winds woke the gray-eyed morn
About the lonely moated grange.
She only said, "The day is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said, "I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead!"
About a stone-cast from the wall
A sluice with blackened waters slept,
And o'er it many, round and small,
The clustered marish-mosses crept.
Hard by a poplar shook alway,
All silver-green with gnarled bark:
For leagues no other tree did mark
The level waste, the rounding gray.
She only said, "My life is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said "I am aweary, aweary
I would that I were dead!"
And ever when the moon was low,
And the shrill winds were up and away,
In the white curtain, to and fro,
She saw the gusty shadow sway.
But when the moon was very low
And wild winds bound within their cell,
The shadow of the poplar fell
Upon her bed, across her brow.
She only said, "The night is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said "I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead!"
All day within the dreamy house,
The doors upon their hinges creaked;
The blue fly sung in the pane; the mouse
Behind the mouldering wainscot shrieked,
Or from the crevice peered about.
Old faces glimmered through the doors
Old footsteps trod the upper floors,
Old voices called her from without.
She only said, "My life is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said, "I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead!"
The sparrow's chirrup on the roof,
The slow clock ticking, and the sound
Which to the wooing wind aloof
The poplar made, did all confound
Her sense; but most she loathed the hour
When the thick-moted sunbeam lay
Athwart the chambers, and the day
Was sloping toward his western bower.
Then said she, "I am very dreary,
He will not come," she said;
She wept, "I am aweary, aweary,
Oh God, that I were dead!"

Marianne Robinson

%D%AFloyd Robinson

%D%ALet's go to Hades, New Mexico Style...

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..> Alfred Lord Tennyson ..[if gte vml 1]> ..[endif]-->..[if !vml]-->..[endif]--> ..>...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 15:39:00 GMT

More on the French Marianne...

Marianne is present everywhere in France and holds a place of honor in town halls and law courts. She symbolizes the "Triumph of the Republic", a bronze sculpture overlooking Place de la Nation in Par...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 08:05:00 GMT

More on Marianne...

Literally, Marianne is a girl I had a big crush on in the fifth grade...Her family moved away and I always wondered what happened to her. It seemed like myspace might be one place to look. I doubt I'...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 15:10:00 GMT

Marianne Faithfull

Faithfull was born Marianne Evelyn Gabriel Faithfull to a British military officer father named Major Glynn Faithfull and the Baroness Eva Erisso, a Viennese noblewoman of half Jewish and half noble ...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 10:30:00 GMT

Marianne Moore

Marianne Moore (1887-1972)and her Mother Poet The recipient of virtually every major American literary award, Marianne Moore was acclaimed by such contemporaries as T...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:54:00 GMT

Marianne and the French...

During the French Revolution (1789-1792), the idea of a woman representing the Republic became popular, but it wasn't until the Second Empire, some 60 years later, that she was named Marianne. "Marian...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 16:34:00 GMT

Origin of Marianne

The origin of Marianne is actually known but only by a very few people; the original "Marianne" is Marie-Anne Reubell, the wife of a French politician. One day, a politician asked in a meeting:"We nee...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 22:32:00 GMT