Due Jan 18th profile picture

Due Jan 18th

You insult me in my home, your forgiven this time.

About Me

My name is Aimee. Im 24yrs old. I grew up in the Rocks. I have brown hair and brown eyes. Im 5'7. I have a boyfriend " / Get Your Own Voice Player Manage
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My Interests


My A&E Biography
Name:::: Aimee Zelonka
Alias:::: Aimee
DOB:::: July 28
Zodiac:::: Leo
Chinese Zodiac:::: I think Im a dog
Height:::: 5'7
Weight:::: 138, eighteen more to go
Eye Color:::: brown
Hair Color:::: brown
Heritage:::: Mexican, Ukraine
Birthplace:::: Ohio Valley General Hosiptal
Hometown:::: Rocks, Pa baby
Current Residence:::: My house
Occupation:::: Retail Server
Color:::: Really don't have a favorite
Scent:::: cinnamon, hazelnut, rose, apples
Number:::: 7
Day of the Week:::: whatever day I have off
Month:::: July
Holiday:::: Halloween
Animal:::: Cat
Food:::: mexican and italian
Non-Alcoholic Drink:::: water
Alcoholic Drink:::: ameretto and sour
Candy:::: Nerds
Ice Cream:::: strawberry,mint chocolate chip
Pastry:::: Glazed Donuts
Junk Food:::: chocolate
Health Food:::: fruit
Restaurant:::: Fire mountain
Fruit:::: All except for cocconut
Vegetable:::: spinach
Flower:::: I really don't know
Stone:::: Who likes stones?
Musical Artist:::: Layne Staley (Wish U were here)
Group / Band:::: Alice in Chains
Song:::: Anything song by Alice in chains
Concert:::: Dc Talk ( I haven't been to many concerts)
Music Video:::: Shakira La Tortura ( That girl gots some moves)
Music Genre:::: I pretty much like anything except country, I hate country
Radio Station:::: Really don't listen to the radio
TV Show:::: Judge Judy ( Thats my grandma's twin sister) well pretty much
TV Character:::: Susan off of Desperate House Wives
Talk Show:::: Dr Phil
Game Show:::: Family Feud
Sitcom:::: House, DHW, Medium,
Drama:::: Really don't like drama
Sci-Fi:::: I don't know
Do-It-Yourself:::: What not to wear
Cartoon:::: Really don't watch cartoons
Adult Cartoon:::: If I had to choose I guess family guy
Reality TV:::: Girls Next Door, RW/RR, Rob & Big, Laguna Beach
TV Network:::: MTV
Movie:::: I love too many to type
Actor:::: Probably Owen Wilson, He's a hottie even with his crocked nose
Actress:::: Jessica Alba
Genre:::: I don't know
Comedy:::: I love the national lampoons movies
Action:::: x-men, Fantastic 4, spider man, I like alot of them
Horror:::: Love too many of them
Romance:::: Not into those
Cartoon Movie:::: Finding Nemo, Ice age, Beavis and butthead do am
Magazine:::: Exercise, Fitness, Cosmo, In style, Ok, Playboy (I do read the articles)
Book:::: Not much of a book reader
Work out:::: Pretty much everday
Run:::: prbably but don't know how far
Swim:::: yeah
Weight Train:::: somewhat, need to do it more often
Cycle:::: I have a exercisse bike in my living room
Step:::: yep
Dance:::: Im actually pretty good at it, I just don't show it
Martial Arts:::: none
Eat Healthy:::: I try to but temptation always gets in the way
Ski:::: never
Snowboard:::: love it
Surf:::: totally love it dudes
MotoX:::: nah
Play an Instrument:::: I use to play the clarinet and baritone, but now learning the guitar
Sing:::: I can carry a tune
Write Music:::: Nah
Write Songs:::: I use to all the time. I can pretty much write a song about anything
Cook:::: Luke, he's the best, thats why Im with him
Clean:::: Hate it but gotta do it
Drive:::: Chevy Caviler
Speak Another Language:::: wish I did
Read / Write in Another Language:::: not really
Paint:::: no
Draw:::: try to
Your Perfect Guy / Girl
Hair Color:::: Doesn't matter
Eye Color:::: I love blue eyes
Height:::: Taller or the same height as me
Weight:::: It depends
Heritage:::: Doesn't matter
Taste in Music:::: Has to like Alice in chains at least
Taste in Movies:::: don't matter
Talent:::: really doesn't matter
Bedroom Talent:::: Gotta have some skills
Clothing Style:::: casual, jeans and a tshirt work for me
Hobbies / Pastime:::: Gotta like playing sports, poker, working out with me
Weakness:::: Me
Your Future
Married:::: Maybe its really not a big deal as long as were together
Children:::: yes
Boy(s) Name(s):::: I like either Brik or Layne
Girl(s) Names(s):::: Charlize, Aaliyah, Kendra,
Residence:::: Cali
Occupation:::: Model
Hobbies / Pastime:::: shopping, laying on the beach, working out, poker, playing sports
Pets:::: My cat Jade and my two dogs Kira and Puppy
Car:::: red Viper and a Silver Hummer
Your Style
Clothing:::: I keep it Casual, jeans and a cute top
Shoes:::: flip flops
Hair:::: Straight or wavy which ever I decide
Accessories:::: I usually just wear my ring and some earings
Lingo:::: I still got the burgh accent
Work:::: Jc Penney
Relationships:::: Been in one for five years now
Playtime:::: Shopping, Beating the shit out of Mike, Wrestling around with my dogs
Releasing Anger:::: Kickboxing
Working Out:::: I like doing dance cardio
Cooking:::: I suck at cooking, thats why I have luke
Cleaning:::: I suck at that too, I really hate doing it
Breaking the Ice:::: Just saying it
Asking Someone Out:::: I don't know if I were single I just wait for the guy to do it
Breaking Up:::: face to face
Proposing:::: I want it to be romantic
Breaking Bad News:::: just gettin down to the point
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