†Killua† profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

To All My Friends: To all those who have message me, sorry I didn't reply to all of you. I wasn't been on MySpace for a long while. Didn't go on for months sorry for all the trouble and not replying to all of you. well I'm probably be back now.About me mmmmhhhh!!!!! Well I'm nice, kind, and a helpful person, I can help when u need me. I like 2 draw anime's and invent stuffs. I change my looks sometimes or if I got a new clothes. I like 2 surf around the net. I like to play Ragnarok Online its very good. I sing a lot when I hear the radio's songs or when I put some of my CD's played & I sing some anime songs. That's all folks till next time.Final Fantasy Advent Children...
You fight with passion. You dont go around picking
fights. But when you do fight you tend to
win. You tend to let out your bottled
emotions when you fight. That is your secrect
to success. Your Weapon: Your body

How do you fight?
brought to you by Quizilla

My Interests

Playing Games, Palying Basketball, Billiards, Computers, Hacking US, Hanging out with my friends, Drawing Animes (Cartoon), Inventing Stuff, & Listening to Animes Songs. MyGen Profile Generator Sora looking in the stars...... Kingdom Hearts.... How do you like my new clothes?.... Kingdom Hearts II... Xenosaga I... Xenosaga III - KOS-MOS... Xenosaga III - Shion...
Black Magician

Which Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monster are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Itachi: You're Uchiha Itachi. A rather mysterious
person. You're rather vicious from what
people can tell. Most people would be wise to
stay away from you. You seem pretty cool

.:What character from Naruto are you?:. (20 results with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

I'd like to meet:

A nice, kind, & helpful friend. And Celebraties.


Anything that sounds good to me... especially anime/manga sounds... Japanese ^_^ Nobodyknows+ - Hero's Come Back PV Nodame Cantabile Opening Theme An Cafe - Wagamama Koushinkyouku Morning Musume - Kanashimi Twilight PV Morning Musume - Jyosei Kashimashi Monogatari


Any kind of Action, Horror, Comedy, Suspence, Adventure & Animes (Cartoon).


Mostly All Animes & Japanese, Lizzie McGuire, Simpsons, Friends, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, & Meteor Garden.


Comics, Anime & Manga: Love Hina Sorcerer Hunters Louie the Rune Soldier NOW Sword Peigenz and a lot more... ^_^


My Self XP lol

My Blog

True Identity

Hi! to Everybody who reads dis & 2 all my friends. As u know I'm just a plain guy with different identity. My old friends & new friends likes me because I can be anyone. Its a lot fun if ur with ur...
Posted by Killua on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST