Playing Games, Palying Basketball, Billiards, Computers, Hacking US, Hanging out with my friends, Drawing Animes (Cartoon), Inventing Stuff, & Listening to Animes Songs.
Profile Generator
Sora looking in the stars...... Kingdom Hearts....
How do you like my new clothes?.... Kingdom Hearts II...
Xenosaga I...
Xenosaga III - KOS-MOS...
Xenosaga III - Shion...
Black Magician
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monster are you?
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Itachi: You're Uchiha Itachi. A rather mysterious
person. You're rather vicious from what
people can tell. Most people would be wise to
stay away from you. You seem pretty cool
.:What character from Naruto are you?:. (20 results with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
A nice, kind, & helpful friend. And Celebraties.
Anything that sounds good to me... especially anime/manga sounds... Japanese ^_^ Nobodyknows+ - Hero's Come Back PV Nodame Cantabile Opening Theme An Cafe - Wagamama Koushinkyouku Morning Musume - Kanashimi Twilight PV Morning Musume - Jyosei Kashimashi Monogatari
Any kind of Action, Horror, Comedy, Suspence, Adventure & Animes (Cartoon).
Mostly All Animes & Japanese, Lizzie McGuire, Simpsons, Friends, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, & Meteor Garden.
Comics, Anime & Manga: Love Hina Sorcerer Hunters Louie the Rune Soldier NOW Sword Peigenz and a lot more... ^_^
My Self XP lol