Elizabeth Navarro.Best known as LIZ.
Im 18 years of age!!! I am LATINA and speak fluent spanish. I am not a big eater.But i do love cereal.mmm i dont like soda...I live off water/milk/juice and other fun liquids ;]. Sarcasm: i use it VERY OFTEN.
Friends mean everything to me. and i mean EVERYTHING! I love having fun..like every other normal person I do not regret any of my actions from the past. I believe that everything happens for a reason
I am a twin.I am an older sister of a seven year old.
Love to laugh. Friends and family know how to keep me laughing I am waaayy too understanding and forgiving. PLEASE dont take advantage of it. some have already.
Elephants are the best animal in the world. Most random girl you'll probably ever meet.
I have a BIG imagination. LIKe HUGE! hah
Faith plays a deep role in my life. and even though ive let HIM down many times.. i know he's always there. Faith:its what has me up on my feet.
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live"
-Bob MarleyUse your imagination..it can take you anywhere youve never been before