valerie profile picture



About Me

myspace background

this is DEFINENTLY my daughter with that look on her face!! PHILLI-RICAN BABY!!!!i am crazy and fun!!!! i dont like drama, so if you are drama filled go the fuck away!!!!!! i live my life to the fullest and enjoy every moment with my baby alana!!!!
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Myspace Layouts by

Your Candy Heart Says "First Kiss"
You're a true romantic who brings an innocent hope to each new relationship.
You see the good in every person you date, and you relish each step of falling in love.

Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a romantic dinner your sweetie cooks for you

Your flirting style: friendly and sweet

What turns you off: cynics who don't believe in romance

Why you're hot: you always keep the romance alive What Does Your Candy Heart Say?

My Interests

I LOVE MY KIA KIA BO BIA!!! ME AND AMY...HAPPY ST PATTY'S DAY TO ME!!LOL!!! i like the colts, peyton manning is my man!!! dont hate because he it the best quarterback in the league!!!! and i love the red sox they are awesome!!!


I am 56% Promiscuous.
.. I like sex and have a healthy sex life. I get just enough and know how to use my sexuality. Some people might have a problem, but that is their problem not mine. They just need to get more. Take the
Promiscuous Test
@ FualiDotComi like all types of music except for the whiny country know the: "my wife left me and she took the kids and the dog and all i have is my pick-up truck...." lol that is the definition of annoying!! lol!!!!!


big movie buff- i probably own every movie that came out in the last year!!! i like it all action, suspense, chick-flicks...etc. i love horror movies!!!


call me whatever you want but i always likes dawsons creek and i like american idol... lol!! but i love mad tv and we cant forget DAVE CHAPELLE......yeah baby WHO'S THAT SPARTAN IN MY TEEPEE? ITS ME! ITS ME!!! "I GOT A FEVER AND MY ONLY CURE IS MORE COWBELL"



Myspace Codes:

This is a heart dedicated to Jeremy Schroyer & Eric Luna. Just remember the "Good Die Young". This July 23 will be their 5 year anniversary of them passing. They both have beautiful daughters Maria and Delilah that live on with them within. So to all that has loved them or lost a loved one PLEASE keep this HEART going and add your name.Because they are"Gone But Never Forgotten"


my mom....if she did it i know i her superwoman because she is
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: valerie lynn reyes
Birthday:: 6-8-83
Birthplace:: havelock, nc
Eye Color:: dookey brown
Hair Color:: black
Height:: 5'2"
Weight:: 108
Right handed or Left handed?: right
Your Heritage:: phillipino and puerto rican
My Worst Habit:: short-term memory loss
Zodiac Sign:: gemini
Shoe Size:: 7
Pants Size:: 1
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: hell no
The Shoes You Wore Today:: reeboks
Your Weakness:: men
Your Fears:: snakes
Your Perfect Pizza:: pepperoni and mushroom
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: massage license
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: yo
Thoughts First Waking Up:: dammit!!!
Your Best Physical Feature:: my
Your Bedtime:: whenever i close my eyes
Your Most Missed Memory:: not having to pay bills
Favorite color?: all of them
Food?: italian
Sport?: football
Animal?: dog
Ice Cream?: butter pecan
Candy?: snickers
Store?: charlotte russe
Salad Dressing?: italian
Actor?: johnny depp
Song?: my love justin timberlake
Letter?: f-u
Number?: 1 (yes i am)
Gum?: watermelon extra
Holiday?: christmas...watching my alana opening presents is great!!!
Season?: money money!!!
Toothpaste Flavor?: orange aquafresh
Radio Station?: 97.7
Perfume?: aqua di gio for women
Scent besides perfume?: love spell - victorias secret
Body part on the opposite sex?: DICK!!!!! what do you think
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: a superhero
How Do You Want To Die?: very fast!!!
Turn ons:: COCK
Turn offs:: PUSSY
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: MAL AND VAL!!! VAL AND MAL!!!
Who's The Loudest?: J.J.
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: everyone
Who Have You Known The Longest?: marc
Who's The Shyist?: shy is not a word referring to my friends!!
When Have You Cried The Most?: with my daughters father
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: love
Worst Feeling?: BEING LIED TO!!!
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: high in the air
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: my weakness
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: as long as god needs me here
Let's walk on the: water
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: ass
Where did all the: good guys go?
Why can't we: have and overnight relationship
Silly, little: bitch
Isn't it weird that: bitches love your name
Never under any circumstance: fall in love
I wish: i could be a guy for one day...i wanna know how it feels to fuck a woman!!! literally!!!
Everyone has a: imperfection
Been In Love?: yes
Been To Juvie?: no
Mooned Someone?: yes
Been Rejected?: yes
Ran Away From Home?: no
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: oh yeah....
Skipped School?: all the time
Thought About Suicide?: hell no!!!
Slept Outside?: yeah one drunken night....
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yeah i have funny friends
Cried In School?: yeah
Thrown Up In School?: yeah
Wanted To Be a Model?: yeah
Cheated On Someone?: no that is wrong
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: oh yeah
Seen A Dead Body?: yes
Been Bitched Out?: yes
Drank Alcohol?: religiously
Smoked?: yeah
Been On Drugs?: yeah
Eaten Sushi?: soho baby!!!
Been On Stage?: yeah
Gone Skinny Dipping?: yeah
Shoplifted?: yeah
Been Drunk?: have i ever!!! lol!!!
Been Called A Tease?: all the time!!!!
Been Beaten Up?: yeah
Swear?: yes
Sing Well?: i wish
Shower Daily?: yes
Want To Go To College?: will be in march
Want To Get Married?: yes
Believe In Yourself?: yes
Get Motion Sickness?: no
Think You Are Attractive?: yes
Get Along With Your Parents?: now i do..
Like Thunderstorms?: depends on what we are doing....
Play An Instrument?: no
Own An IPOD?: no
Pray?: yes
Go To Church?: no
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: no
Keep A Journal/Diary?: well i have a planner
Dance In The Rain?: yes
Sing In The Shower?: yes
Pepsi or Coke?: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King?: both
Single or Group Dates?: both
Chocolate or Vanilla?: swirl
Strawberries or Blueberries?: strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: both
TV or Movie?: both
Guitar or Drums?: both
Adidas or Nike?: both
Chinese or Mexican?: both
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: neither cinnamon toast crunch
or Pie?: depends on the occassion
MTV or VH1?: mtv
Blind or Deaf?: blind
Boxers or Briefs?: doesnt matter they are going to be on the ground anyways!!!!
Do The Splits?: yes
Write With Both Hands?: yes
Whistle?: no it sux too!!
Blow A Bubble?: yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: no
Cross Your Eyes?: yes
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: yes
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: no
Dance?: hell yeah
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: that is great!!!
You Touched:: my baby alana
You Talked To On The Phone:: my mom
You Instant Messaged:: blue eyed devil
You Hugged:: alana
You Yelled At:: jon
You Played A Sport With:: well if the bowling maching!!!
Time You Laughed?: just now
Time You Cried?: earlier today
Movie You Watched?: first daughter
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: watermelon
Joke You Told?: i am a sarcastic bitch...enough???
Song You've Sung?: dont know
Where Are You?: in my room
What Can You See Out Your Window?: my daughters swingset
Are You Listening To Music?: no
What Are You Wearing?: jeans and a t-shirt
What's On Your Mousepad?: the COLTS baby!!!!
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yeah
Do you believe in miracles?: my daughter
Magic?: yeah...some of it
Love at first sight?: no
God?: yes
Satan?: i believe there is a opposite world of heaven
Ghosts?: yes
Santa?: no
Evolution?: yes
Fav Eye Color:: blue...but green and hazel are pretty too
Fav Hair Color:: doesnt matter
Short or Long Hair:: whatever floats their boat
Height:: taller than 5'6"
Weight:: less than overweight
Best Clothing Style:: everyone has their own style
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: puerto rico
Number Of CD's I Own:: alot
Your Good Luck Charm:: my daughter
How many pillows do you sleep with?: five
Do you drink milk?: strawberry and shocolate
Person You Hate Most:: william gregory caston
Most Outdated Phrase:: thats gravy!
Do you think God has a gender?: yes
Where do you think we go when we die?: limbo
How many rings until you answer the phone?: i gotta look at who's calling first
What is something scientists need to invent?: remote for men...with the stop button and pause because you dont want to hear!!!
Are you a health freak?: soemwhat
Are you a virgin?: yeah with a daughter too!!
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: venus
What is the worst weather?: hail
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: i made them have sex with my life sized g.i. joes
How many grades have you failed?: none
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My Blog

truth about men and women

When you catch a girlglancing at you,she wants you to lookback and smile_________________________________________________When a girl bumps into your armwhile walking with youshe wantsyou to hold her h...
Posted by valerie on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 05:40:00 PST

new years resolution

so i am tired of it, it hurts my body and makes me sick to my stomach!!!! i am quitting the $3.00 a day habit by the 7th of the new year.... (you know, 2007...7th day) fuck smoking I AM QUITTING!!!! W...
Posted by valerie on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 08:31:00 PST


i saw this bulletin and found it very true so i decided to post it on my page!!! read and see what you are!!!! smooches!!! valerie Body: G|R|E|E|N| |E|Y|E|S|-Sex Addicts!!! People with green eyes have...
Posted by valerie on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 12:25:00 PST