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What NFL WR are you????? (hows dat?)
Randy Moss
Got Hops and Hands that are like glue
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big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa Click here to make Falling Objects big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa big poppa
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hosted @ phatpimpclothing.comdoesnt matter as long as u like to well!!!!!!!!!!!

My Blog


theres always two sides off a story and usally both sides think there right if ya heard both side and put em together maybe just maybe u could make some since of the truth but if your pounded with jus...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 23:13:00 GMT