Hello class of 2001!Your reunion committee leaders regret to inform you that the 5-year reunion has been cancelled. We have heard from many of our classmates, and there was great interest in this reunion (as well as a 10-year one!). Most people wanted to attend, but the date is bad for many people due to the holiday weekend. Because of all the positive feedback, however, we are happy to say that it looks like our 10-year reunion will be one to look forward to!!We have already received contact information from many of you. Make sure that you keep us updated with at least a current e-mail address by which to reach you. We will keep the email address
[email protected] active for use through the 10-year reunion. Also, please note that the website we will be using to post details about the 10-year reunion is http://www.sbhsalumni.com/. Please make sure to keep your current contact information updated both at this website and at
[email protected]. The alumni website includes information about contact information, personal profiles, information about deceased classmates, and also the option to add yourself to the reunion committee if you would like to help plan the event. Please feel free to add yourself as a reunion contact at any time. We'll make sure to contact you once we start planning the 10-year.For those who have mailed in their payment already, you can contact Abrea individually at
[email protected] or 502-471-9006 for reimbursement. We are sorry for any inconveniences about the cancellation.Although we will be unable to all gather together this year, it has been great getting back in touch with and communicating with our classmates via the internet! We hope everyone is doing well, and we plan to make the Satellite High class of 2001 10-year reunion one that you won't forget!Take care,
Abrea Mitchell and Chrissy Kearns Gude