Bison Brewski profile picture

Bison Brewski

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

HUGE Red Sox fan, fun,offbeat,talkative, with a great sense of Humor. Proud Democrat and not afraid to talk politics at any time. I've recently become quite a football fan - Never thought I would be but the "beautiful game" as it is called has a solid grip on me, I'm a loyal supporter of Aston Villa of the Premiership. I'm a radio guy who has recently become yet another casualty of the economy so if anyone knows of work that will suit me or my abilities be they radio or not let me know. I have a great family - my sister Beckey is listed down there in my top friends space, say hi to her, she's a cool chick and one of the best women I know on this planet. I'm a new home owner with my Fiancee' - The Jen! We're learning the ropes & responsibilities of home ownership & working on lots of projects every weekend. I aspire to wrestle semi pro with a particular promotion here in Seattle but have to get into a bit better shape that i'm in right now. "Ya ever seen a Yeti with a dozen condoms filled with coke burst in is belly? It's a baddddddddd scen man!" (check out the video below to see the carnage first hand -BEWARE! you WILL piss yourself laughing!)Here's the video of Dice K's Asahi Super Dry spot from Japan complete with "Just One" by Hoobastank :Here's a video from when Hockey was Hockey! The Big Bad Bruins of the '70's when I was growing up lead into the crowd by Terry O'Reilly & Peter McNabb.Hey Look! It's "The John Mc Cain Experience!" - GREAT Video - Freakin' Hilarious!
Which member of the JLA are you?
Green Lantern
With the Green Lantern corps destroyed the last Oa power ring made it's way to Earth to the unsupecting artist Kyle Rayner. Able to create anything his mind imagines the ring lacks the weakness to the color yellow and the 24 hour time limit which makes Kyle the one true Green Lantern.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Shit flinging monkeys, other misbehaving primates & humans. Fellow Sports & Sox fans & especially those who can educate me more on both Football(Soccer) & the team I've become a supporter of - Aston Villa. People who don't offend easily and who can handle themselves without me having to carry them. Progressive folks to have great conversations & exchange ideas with.Here's a GREAT video of one of the funniest movies of all time - Used Cars !And of course, the incomporable Doug Stanhope! One of my heroes! Two Headed Baby
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My Blog

I miss you Nana

I am sitting here, listening to "Adagio for strings" by Samuel Barber, it normally makes me feel sad and melancholy but this evening I need no instrumental assistance. Today is the 14th anniversary of...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Dec 2008 02:01:00 GMT

WWF Bret Hart "Heart Attack" Theme I always call this "MY" theme. Whenever I need to pump myself up or in cases past I needed a theme for something I was doing on radio I would u...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 18:56:00 GMT

Goodbye Studs! R.I.P.

Today we lost a great man, author, broadcaster and activist with the passing of Studs Terkel. He was a man who had the innate ability to make the everyday mans daily life seem like a best seller. He c...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 22:44:00 GMT

Don’t let them steal another election!

The Reoublicans are at it again! They think they can steal yet another election, don't le them do it! What can you do? Get out and volunteer for the Obama campaign, get as many people to the polls top...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 22:29:00 GMT

Pivotal election

I think that everyone knows just how important this election is, we have an opportunity to truly define the direction our country is headed after 8 years of wrongheadedness, cronyism, as well as attac...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 16:07:00 GMT

Travis Childers wins in Mississippi!!!!! GO DNC!!!!

Amazing! totally AMAZING!!!! In a race that was all but given up for lost by most  pundits Travis Childers has won the seat in Mississippi's first congressional district over his Republican rival...
Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 12:11:00 GMT


Not that I ever thought about voting for him but here’s more evidendce why we all MUST work to ensure he is NOT elected president! Therefore I present: 10 things you should know about John McCai...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 13:40:00 GMT

Pat, I’d like to buy ANOTHER F@$%^&g vowel!

Jen & I are watching Wheel of Fortune and we're doing the usual things - yelling out letters, consonants of course, we know the rules. I there's a chick from NH as one of the contestants and I fig...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 19:11:00 GMT

Give the gift of hope & love

I was forwarded an email address from the Jen, it's to a site called Heifer international. On the site you can give the gift of livestock that will feed or in other cases help a family in a developing...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 06:57:00 GMT

Goodbyes & New beginnings

Today is my final day at Sports Radio 950 KJR AM Seattle. It's also my final day in programming within this business I've devoted the past 16 years of my life to. I'm embarking on a new path within my...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 04:44:00 GMT