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About Me

Drummer/Singer/Songwriter Shawn Murray,is a Full Time NY Musician most known as a member of The Mink DeVille Band. 1984-Present (Also known as The Willy Deville Band.) During this time Shawn has performed Extensively with Willy over 30 European , Canadian, and American tours.Shawn also Recorded or performed with Jon Bon Jovi, John Hammond , Ben E. King , Eddie Bo , Queen Ida, Great Caesars Ghost with GE Smith and Andy Aledort, Dave Valentin , Mick Taylor, Jeff Pevar, Mick Gaffney, The Mardi Gra Indians , Little Buster , Russell Smith of The Amazing Rhythm Aces , Lonnie Youngblood, Cadillac Moon, Chris Weigers/ ArushA and Many More… Shawn is available for Sessions, gigs, Etc….........Shawn is currently going on a 2008 Summer European Tour with Willy DeVille and the Mink DeVille Band. Date - venue, town (country) Willy DeVille 2008 Summer Tour* 26/06/2008 - La Luciole, Alençon (France) * 27/06/2008 - Le 112, Terville (France) * 28/06/2008 - OLT RIVIERENHOF, Anvers (Belgique) * 02/07/2008 - Sala Bikini, Barcelone (Espagne) * 03/07/2008 - Green Space Heineken, Valencia (Espagne) * 04/07/2008 - Sala Assaig, Palma de Mallorca (Espagne) * 05/07/2008 - Castillo de Lorca, Lorca (Espagne) * 07/07/2008 - Le CARRE, Amsterdam (Netherland) * 08/07/2008 - La Cigale, Paris (France) [Avec Zachary Richard en vedette américaine !] * 09/07/2008 - Astimusica, Asti (Italie) * 11/07/2008 - CrossOver Jazz Festival Rocca, Imola (Italie) * 12/07/2008 - Bari, Bari (Italie) * 13/07/2008 - Mascalucia Etna Blues Festival, Sicile (Italie) * 15/07/2008 - Schalchthof, Wiesbaden (Germany) * 16/07/2008 - Löwensaal, Nümberg (Germany) * 17/07/2008 - Parkbühne, Leipzig (Germany) * 19/07/2008 - Museumsmeile, Bonn (Germany) * 20/07/2008 - Das Fest, Karlsruhe (Germany) * 22/07/2008 - Ringlokschuppen, Bielefeld (Germany) * 23/07/2008 - Garage, Saarbrücken (Germany) * 25/07/2008 - Jazz Fest Wiesen, Wiesen (Austria) * 26/07/2008 - Wolfsburg Festival, Wolfsburg (Germany)I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

Tour Dates for Willy DeVille

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