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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hello, My name is Prestin. Add | Message | Facebook | Twitter
"For what it's worth: it's never too late to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."
101 Random Facts About Me: 1. I might be shy or bashful once you first meet me.
2. I'm a slow reader... it's rather embarassing.
3. I don't like any form of coffee, tea or vitamin water.
4. I'm afraid of the dark, deep water and for some reason random animals, I won't tell which though.
5. I listen more than I talk, I find other peoples lives interesting.
6. I laugh a lot, out of nowhere, and for no reason. You'll get used to it... or not.
7. I still play with toys, my childhood action figures and love playing board games.
8. I'm mentally and emotionally more stronger than you would think.
9. I always cut and dye my own hair. I can't stand my natural hair color.
10. I've never been grounded once in my entire life, and I've never have had a curfew, ever.
11. I never judge the lives other people live.
12. I have a huge problem with wasting money on pointless stuff I really don't need.
13. I procrastinate beyond healthy limits.
14. I sometimes get really touchy-feely when I get deep into a converstation. I'm sure this was taken the wrong way.
15. I'm most likely legally blind without my contacts.
16. I have a loud, obnoxious, geeky laugh. 99% of the people I know love it though.
17. I'm deathly afraid of heights, but oddly I love rollercoasters.
18. I love the night time! Chances are I was nocturnal or a vampire in my pass life.
19. I LOVE meeting a new person who ends up becoming a REALLY good friend.
20. I'm a terrible singer and dancer, but enjoy doing both.
21. At times I can be sensitive and emotional beyond all belief.
22. I'm often lazy, unmotivated and poorly managing my spare time doing something unproductive. I'm working on changing this!
23. I'm on the computer WAY TOO much.
24. I love Lost Energy Drinks, I usually carry one everwhere I go!
25. I'm obsessed with the X-Men, and will have an X-Men themed wedding.
26. I've never tried Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo, Miracle Whip, Jelly, or any type of dressings... and never plan to.
27. I gag like crazy when I eat onions, smell ranch dressing or see overly spoiled milk!
28. I wish I never had to work, EVER!
29. I don't believe in life on other planets. I'd have to see it to believe it.
30. I try not to ever get my hair wet when I go swimming, but I always fail at this.
31. Nails on a chalk board doesn't bug me, but the way you loudly and obnoxiously sip your drink does.
32. I believed in Santa up until I was in 5th grade, and to this day I still get my picture with him [:
33. 33 is my favorite and lucky number... really, it is.
34. I love it when people have a sarcatic, or smartass comment about everything.
35. I have trouble finding pants that fit me right.
36. I'm always nice, polite and respectful to cashiers, waiters, and anyone working in minimum wage, retail, or any type of food sercive. Always!
37. I'm not a revenge seeking person, I believe an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
38. I make strange and funny faces in the mirror at myself.
39. I'm picky as hell when it comes to what I eat... and wear.
40. I'm kind of one of those people who "never learns".
41. One of the odd things I collect is blue pillows.
42. I can be kind of an airhead at times and I'm more gulible then you'd believe.
43. I'm a terrible speller.
44. I have a MAJOR problem having the wilpower to get out of bed. I'm not a morning person at all.
45. I find it extremely facinating when someone has something in common with me.
46. I never waste food!
47. I tend to talk fast, mumble, studder and say my words out of order.
48. I enjoy having meaningless conversations about nothing, long depth conversations about life, and reminiscing about the old days.
49. I try to stay out of all types of drama; So please: Keep me out of yours!
50. I usually have poor manners when I eat.
51. I'm genuinely trustworthy; I can/will keep a secret, no matter what.
52. I tend to repeat myself a lot. I mean like over, and over, and over...
53. I've been told I look like way too many different celebrities, both good and bad.
54. I don't have a middle name.
55. My biggest pet peeve is when you tell someone your pet peeve and then they do it thinking they're funny.
56. I'm a neat freak
57. I find it annoying when people are always complaining about the weather.
58. I have a really odd, unique, and random sense of humor. Chances are it'll make no sense to you.
59. I firmly believe "If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
60. I wear a size 10-12 in boys underwear because I can't fit into mens.
61. I like naturally waking up between 3am-5am.
62. At times I miss being 13 or 14, and being in middle school. Couldn't tell you why.
63. I'm a huge fan of Amanda Bynes and Keira Khightley.
64. I like giving, and helping people.
65. I own over 40 pairs of sunglasses, but rarely wear any of them.
66. Deep down, I can never stay mad at anyone, hold a grudge or hold anger towards someone, reguardless of what they did or done to me.
67. I'm EXTREMLY ticklish and get scared/stardled very easy.
68. I often randomly quote song lyrics in everyday converstations.
69. I don't like it when people litter. Go ahead, call me a tree-hugger.
70. My biggest downfall is that I'm always doubting myself and what I'm capable of.
71. I'm not the most masculine guy, and I'm both aware of and okay with this.
72. I'm horrible at giving, taking, following, and comperhending directions. I usually end up lost.
73. I'm always attracted to inner beauty and personalities, never looks.
74. I don't like peppermint anything.
75. I enjoy buying and getting new clothes.
76. I sometimes move, talk, shake, sing, and make noises in my sleep.
77. I'm terrible with remembering names, numbers... and sometimes faces.
78. I LOVE it when someone doesn't like the same person I don't like :D
79. I'm usually always running late to places.
80. When it comes down to it, I just want everyone to like me.
81. I don't like hearing the N word, even jokingly.
82. I wish I spoke eloquently with a wide vocabulary.
83. Only three things gross me out. Worms are one of them. I'd rather you not know the other two.
84. I can't stand it when people talk during movies.
85. For a person who has never been to church, and knows nothing about religion, I'm very spiritual.
86. Most people spell my name is an O, and sometimes with an E... but never with an I. Prestin.
87. I daze off and daydream all the time.
88. I'm really nosey and ask a lot of questions. Only because I care and I want to get to know you better.
89. Yes, I do have a starring problem.
90. I enjoy the smell of bleach, Windex and most cleaning products.
91. I usually get along with everyone, but if I don't like you, it's for a really good reason.
92. I like playing in the rain, and mud.
93. I seriously HATE the smell of Ranch Dressing!
94. At times I can be really weird, I mean REALLY WEIRD!
95. I'm 100% honest. I try not to be brutal, and I sugarcoat nothing. I may keep secrets from you, but I'll never lie to you.
96. I often daze off with a sad, angry, or stupid look on my face... I'm just in deep thought.
97. I can't stand people who whine. It's not cute, it's annoying and unattractive.
98. I think too much amd worry like crazy, espically over the littlest things. Yet people say it's their favorite characteristic about me.
99. I'm a really loyal friend.
100. I laugh the most when I'm alone.
101. I wear my heart on my sleeve and never fake my smiles or emotions. If I'm happy, it shows, if I'm sad, it show and etc.
Bonus: If you read this... let me know [:
"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them, for that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally, in whatever way they like."
"Fall in love or fall in hate. Get inspired or be depressed. Ace a test or flunk the class. Make babies or make art. Speak the truth or lie and cheat. Dance on tables or sit in the corner. Life is divine chaos. Embrace it. Forgive yourself. Breathe. And enjoy the ride..."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd Like to Meet: Someone who brings positivity, beauty and happiness in my life.
Someone who is genuinely nice and cares about people and things.
Someone who is unique, interesting and I can learn new things from.
Someone who is open minded, accepting and doesn't judge.
Someone who does not rely on playing ignorant to be charming.
Someone who will build my brain.
Someone who I can talk to about my frustrations.
Someone who is well aware of their charactar flaws.
Someone who will tell me their life story.
Someone who will not constantly disappoint me or let me down.
Someone who I can go on adventures with.
Someone who I'm 100% comfortable being myself around.
Someone who is fun and enjoyable to be around.
Someone whose inner child never died.
Someone who I can stay out late with.
Someone who is willing to try new things.
Someone who is balanced and has a leveled head.
Someone who can be serious when the time calls for it.
Someone who doesn't annoy me.
Someone who keeps me coming back from more.
If you see me, you should come say hi.

"Do what you love and you will find someone who loves the same thing.
Don't look for love, beg for love or suffer for love. Just live."

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