Matt is Waiting. profile picture

Matt is Waiting.

A Catalog of the Competing Self Interest of Others, and Their Subsequent Rationalizations of It. I'm

About Me

I get my head cut off and stuck on pikes by my friends, enemies, and those who occupy both spaces. I provide charming conversations when I forget where I am and what time it is.

I dance hard as fuck, and burst into flames.

I compile lists of informants, and write poetry about paranoia. I mean, I take notes on poetry about paranoia.

I wait patiently.

I would like to meet you, and tell you off color jokes about scrotums.

My Interests

Drops of Honey (but more importantly, the bees dropping them, and the tigers who make it so appealing while waiting to eat the motherfuck out of you).

I'd like to meet:



Good conversationalists, whose blood and charm I can psychically suck from their nerves from across the room. People with nice business cards.

I would also like to meet as many people as possible who live in New York City, but randomly, and face to face.

I would like to meet the well dressed Taiwanese kids in Washington DC, who I took photos with, but a Swiss band is holding the photos hostage.

I would like to meet Alasea Al-Ay iey and Betageist.

I'd like to meet the Midgard Serpent, for being a well renowned self-sustaining practitioner of the art of self-consumption. He bites off so much more than he could ever chew, and not nearly enough. I'd like to loan him a sense of civic-mindedness and concern for the polis.

I would also like to meet Richard Pryor, before he set himself on fire!

...and You!


Deadlegs. Ravi Shankar. Rachmaninov. Rachels. Karate. Reversal of Man. June of 44.


The movies and music videos of Michel Gondry. Miranda July seems promising too.


Kung Fu the original series. Star Trek. PBS. When I was little, I obsessively watched 227, but remember very little about it.


Noam Chomsky (anything he's written; I'm hooked), Collected Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges, and computer books. Valis.


impress me. Anyone who is willing to fight me and be friendly about it.