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I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Kristina Stanelle-Diaz. I am 23 years old. I live in Russell Springs, KY. I was married on April 1st 2009 to Pedro Diaz. He is a wonderful Husband and an amazing person. We have a dog ♥ Sweet Pea ♥ and a cat ♥ Fats Domino ♥. I have 2 wonderful parents ♥ Tim and Carolyn ♥ They always do their best to help the less fortunate; including me. I have 5 brothers and three sisters.
Tony- Very intelligent and sentimental.
Scott- Extremely hardworking and giving.
Gretta- Great Cook and very smart.
Susie- Fun, loving, and giving.
Timmy- Loving, loyal, and hard working.
Eric- kind and giving
Nicole- Hardworking, encouraging, a go getter
Cody- Energetic, sweet, and loving.
I love my neice Amanda she's a beautiful and wonderfully made girl. She's been gifted and anointed in interpretive dance as well as in other areas.
Sam, Monika, and Gea are my best friends.
Sam- loving, non-judgemental, and fun.
Monika- loyal, sweet, giving.
Gea- Loving, genuine, and smart.
I go to Parksridge Church of God. It is the best church ever!!! Billy Silverman is the Pastor, and he is a man after God's own heart. He loves and cares about people.
I just started working at Save-a-lot as a cashier on September 14th. (Thank you for Hiring me Brently!) I enjoy it. The people there are very nice and the customers are very nice as well. The only part that sucks is standing in one spot for so long, but that's pretty much the only con.
I enjoy Karaoke it's my favorite past time. Singing is my passion. I absolutely love it. It gives me a high where I am in absolute contentment. I love acting as well, but haven't gotten the chance to do any in a long while. I can do all kinds of accents and voices. I like playing sports. I love shopping, animals, and just going out and doing things. I love to take pictures, and even get dressed up as different characters and take pictures.
If I were to describe myself I would say that I am:
Trust worthy
I am probably the nicest person you will ever meet. I just don't like mean people. I love everyone and don't have an enemy. There are some people that I don't like only based on their behaviors, but I still love them. If you don't love your neighbors then you can't love Jesus.
I love Jesus with all my heart. He is the true living God. He is coming back to get his people and if you aren't ready then you will be left behind. It is so easy to go to heaven.
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9. If anyone reading this page ever has any questions or would ever like to come to church with me.. please don't hesitate to ask!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

How to Become a ChristianThe central theme of the Bible is God's love for you and for all people. This love was revealed when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came into the world as a human being, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. Because Christ died, your sins can be forgiven, and because He conquered death you can have eternal life. You can know for sure what will become of you after you die.You have probably heard the story of God's love referred to as the "Gospel." The word Gospel simply means "Good News." The Gospel is the Good News that, because of what Christ has done, we can be forgiven and can live forever.But this gift of forgiveness and eternal life cannot be yours unless you willingly accept it. God requires an individual response from you. The following verses from the Bible show God's part and yours in this process:God's Love Is Revealed in the Bible "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." —John 3:16 (NIV)God loves you. He wants to bless your life and make it full and complete. And He wants to give you a life which will last forever, even after you experience physical death.We Are Sinful "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." —Romans 3:23 (NIV)You may have heard someone say, "I'm only human—nobody's perfect." This Bible verse says the same thing: We are all sinners. We all do things that we know are wrong. And that's why we feel estranged from God—because God is holy and good, and we are not.Sin Has a Penalty "For the wages of sin is death." —Romans 6:23 (NIV)Just as criminals must pay the penalty for their crimes, sinners must pay the penalty for their sins. If you continue to sin, you will pay the penalty of spiritual death: You will not only die physically; you will also be separated from our holy God for all eternity. The Bible teaches that those who choose to remain separated from God will spend eternity in a place called hell.Christ Has Paid Our Penalty! "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." —Romans 5:8 (NIV)The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God, has paid the penalty for all your sins. You may think you have to lead a good life and do good deeds before God will love you. But the Bible says that Christ loved you enough to die for you, even when you were rebelling against Him.Salvation Is a Free Gift "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." —Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)The word grace means "undeserved favor." It means God is offering you something you could never provide for yourself: forgiveness of sins and eternal life, God's gift to you is free. You do not have to work for a gift. All you have to do is joyfully receive it, Believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ died for you!Christ Is at Your Heart's Door "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." —Revelation 3:20 (NIV)Jesus Christ wants to have a personal relationship with you. Picture, if you will, Jesus Christ standing at the door of your heart (the door of your emotions, intellect and will). Invite Him in; He is waiting for you to receive Him into your heart and life.You Must Receive Him "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." —John 1:12 (NIV)When you receive Christ into your heart you become a child of God, and have the privilege of talking to Him in prayer at any time about anything. The Christian life is a personal relationship to God through Jesus Christ. And best of all, it is a relationship that will last for all eternity.

My Blog

You can't tell me God isn't real!

As you all know I have been looking for a job for over a year.  Well, I've prayed and prayed and believed and believed.  Well, on Thursday the 10th at church my postor said that Tomorrow which was yes...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Sep 2009 17:45:00 GMT

on the verge of death

Last night, like many nights.  I was wide awake for hours.  While my insides decided to play world war III, IIII, and IV on me.  I have excrutiating pain in my stomach, back, ...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 14:55:00 GMT


Sometimes life does not turn out how you expected it to.  Sometimes life leaves you empty handed.  You can put so much of yourself into something and in the end it means nothing.  You'v...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 17:49:00 GMT

I never post anything!

 I love you all!  God bless you all!  and leave me a comment!
Posted by on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 09:25:00 GMT


Hi people this is my first song ever.. so tell the truth.. whatcha think about it and all that.. thank you very much...... hope you like itShe's lookin for something Theres a hollow hole she's tryin ...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Aug 2005 01:23:00 GMT