I love the stars and the moon. I could spend hours looking at them. They are amazing and we should always admire them.I love to cook and do it whenever something is bothering me or when I am bored. Yeah that's right I cook a lot. Oh wait, that's right IT"S MY JOB. I also love to teach. If I can do something I'll teach it too you. I LOVE to travel. Haven't done much in the states but I love going out of the country. If I could spend my life travelling I would be the estatic.
I have finally met the person I was looking for. Or should I say he found me. He makes me smile with out even knowing it. I love the little things he does and how he loves me. He is everything I wanted and dreamed of!I would like to meet my grandfather and my heavenly father some day. I know that day will come and I will live my life for that moment.
Who can choose a type of music to listen to. I play it safe and listen to it all. Yep that is right anything and everything. Hey I have to when I listen to half of what my sister listens to.
Action movies are the best. I love both the Borne movies, all three Lord of the Rings, Payback-or any Mel Gibson movie-, Princess bride, Head over Heels and all those girly movies.
Because of that whole cooking thing I have going I watch a lot of food t.v. I hate all those reality shows. They really aren't reality anyway.
I love to read. Mysterys, romance, history anything.
My hero is my dad. My dad spends his days saving lives as a firefighter and also by the work he does with our church. He is amazing at everything he does and I hope that one day I can be like him. He is my inspiration and he gives me hope in a world where hope is often lost.