.sHa.without 666. profile picture

.sHa.without 666.

I am here for Friends

About Me

im a simple but cld get complex and complicated kinda person + most ppl described me as talkative, fun, witty and bubbly (issit true??well, u decide!)+ dont judge a book by its cover, there's sum stuffs that u could never expect me to be, but one thing for sure, im not as girlish as sum ppl thot iam + lazy bum + luv to sleep + kinda sensitive type of person + like to laugh a lot! + luv S.O.A.D alot + hate Britney alottt (i think she's very stupid) + luv shopping (my fav. baby!!) + like Japanese foods, chocolates, lingeries, Famous Amos cookies n cool n pretty stuffs (like lava lamps n interior products ) + luv to waste money esp on magazines + i like fashion BUT im NOT a fashion victim.im not the kind of person who simply follow others/the trend, i know which style suits me and which doesnt + for me, music, my friends, $$, cell phone are the things that i cant live without + im a movie freak esp horror movies ( but im a scary cat ) + totally a perfume addict too! ( right now im soo into my Incanto Charms perfume by Salvatore Ferragamo =p ) + got a huge crush on Brandon Boyd (he's such a hottie with his shirts off and the sight of his boxer) and also Ashton Kutcher + adored Gwen Stefani, Angelina Jolie and Brittany Murphy =) TO THOSE WHO ASKED WHY 666?well its really got nuthing to do with black metal or whatsoever..its just that,im not as innocent as sum ppl thot i am.im MORE than that,nuthing u cld ever imagine of =p some ppl esp gurls hated me. the reason? bcos i talk english!! issit wrong to talk english? and just bcos of that, they simply label me as a snobbish arrogant bitch. not fair isnt it? but i guess that's how malaysians are. GET TO KNOW ME FIRST BEFORE JUDGING ME.nuffsaid!

My Interests

my interests includes: aLL da gUrLy StuFFs--LinGErIEs(im a collector u know?hehe!)+ LiP GLoss(cant live w/out one!i like mY esTee Lauder puRe Pops aLott!!)+ black NaIL PoLIsH +PerfUmes(Luvvv mY ParIs HiLtOn pErFumes!) +MagS(CLeo,SevenTeen,KLue,TonE,JuiCe,FeMaLe) +systEm Of A DowN +haNgin Out at Coffee SHops +taLk On da PhOne For Hours +daydreamiN'+shoppiNgg +watchiN mOvieS +icE CrEam(trY cuStaRd PuddinG at Haagen Dasz!!daMn DeliCious!)+LoLipOp +cHocoLateS

I'd like to meet:

Vin Diesel + Ashton Kutcher + Gwen Stefani+ Anwar Ibrahim + people who wanna be my friend + peeps who haf the same interest as me + S.O.A.D groupie + Britney haters.. ATTENTION TO STRANGERS-im sorry but i do not entertain personal msg.It all depends on my mood and how lame/interesting ur msg is =) and to rempits and perverts:PLS STAY AWAY FROM ME!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.


when it comes to music im a UnivErsaL LisTeneR buT maInLy RocK,R&b,SouL, HipHop,RaVe,House,DRUM&BASS,tRanCE,ReGgae...aNYtyhing witH GuitaR or PianO Or CatcHy Tune Is In!!anYthiNg EXCEPT daNgdUt and HindUsTan..


my fav movies are 50 fiRst DaTes,HouSe oF Wax,BattLe RoYaLe 1(no.2 boring!!),SaVe ThE LasT DanCE,GiRL iNTerrUPtEd,Just MaRRiED,DUdE WhEre's My Car,UptOwn GirLs,oRiGinaL sIn,Ju-On,doWn With LoVe,MouliN RoUge,sOund oF muSic,SepeT,iniTiaL D,TaXi 1-3(frenCh VersiOn)iTaLian Job,KiLL BiLL,uNgu VioLet,aLott Like LoVe,cHarLie and cHocoLate FactoRy,BeWitchEd,CitY oF gOd,JusT LiKe HeaVen,NaRnIa,WeddinG CrasHer,pRimE,CaSanOVa,FinAL DestiNatiOn 3, V for VenDeTTa,tHe HiLLs HaVe eYes,Da VinCi CoDe,SaW 1&2,X Men 3,tHe OmeN,sTay aLive,cLick,HaPPy Feet, CinTa,DejaVu,oNe Flew Over the Cuckoo's NesT,ThanK u 4 sMokIng,NigHt aT the mUseUm,the GuaRdiaN,BlooD diamond,the iLLuSioNist,BaBeL,cRasH( too many too list down here! )


I don't watch tv regularly now but im soo into DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES!!!( yeay!!my fav.!!),prison break ( michael scofield is soooo cute!), 8 SimPle RulEs 4 DatIng My TeenAgE DaUGhter, THat 70's Show, the simPsOns, fuTuraMa, MalcOlM In The MiddLe, EveRybOdy LOves RayMond, The PoWErpUffGiRls, SponGeBoB, RugRats, arreSted deveLopMent, the aMazIng RacE, xploraCe, the apprentice, ameriCa's nexT top ModeL and of course, Sex&The City ;)


I love spending time reading books although now i hardly find the time to do so =( but some of my fav titles are 'Man and Boy' and 'Man and Wife' by Tony Parsons,'The Notebook' by Nicholas Sparks, 'Memoirs of a Geisha' by Arthur Golden, 'Da Vinci Code' by Dan Brown,'Tuesdays With Morrie' by Mitch Albom,'The Alchemist', 'By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept' and 'Eleven Minutes' by Paulo Coelho,'The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night Time' by Mark Haddon, 'Standing Room Only' by Eva Rice


my heroes??if We'RE taLKin Bout da fantasY woRLd..iT would Be GamBit or maybe vamPire??i wld luvvv to be bitten by em' at da neck!!haha!=p

My Blog

The Eternal Sunshine of my spotless blocked mind

yep.. i've been killed.. i've been stabbed in my chest.. it hurts alot because its as though i've been stabbed trillion times but im still alive.. and because im still alive, i've done alot of th...
Posted by .sHa.without 666. on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:33:00 PST

MY CONCERNS about the world..

i have just watched the tv just now..da show 360 was on and apparently besides Nurin Jazlin, there are three more cases of raped or sexual violence against kids! one in Sungai Petani..one in Johor..an...
Posted by .sHa.without 666. on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 06:20:00 PST

Littlest things

nuthink much to say actually..but this song is kinda suit me now..i like what she wrote on this song..n this song is sorta like my theme now..its touchy really..esp if u hear the actual song..the lyri...
Posted by .sHa.without 666. on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 01:02:00 PST

what a great book! u should read this!

i have just finished reading the controversial book 'I am Muslim' by Dina Zaman.. It was so impressive that I have to write this n talk abt it..It is a very easy book to read and witty too..i like the...
Posted by .sHa.without 666. on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 02:00:00 PST

going crazy over tv series!!

im just a sucker for tv series and right now, im getting crazy over them..WHY? imagine, all my favorite TV series are airing now..Prisonbreak, Ugly Betty, Heroes and Desperate Housewives is starting a...
Posted by .sHa.without 666. on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 01:24:00 PST


This is my favorite song at the moment and im really fond of the lyrics especially when the part kelly clarkson shouts emotionally and furiously   woohoo! so here it goes!!I hope the ring you gav...
Posted by .sHa.without 666. on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 12:48:00 PST


just like what i did last year, just wanna wish everyone thank you for the birthday wish!! altho i did not get a bday cake this year, but all of u guys' wishes made me happy and it is just like my bda...
Posted by .sHa.without 666. on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 11:22:00 PST

Happy New Year 2007

firstly i would like to wish everyone a very happy new year! and may 2007 brings much more luck, joy and may it be a prosperous one..well, for me, a new year means nuthing for me..i dont even go out t...
Posted by .sHa.without 666. on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 09:42:00 PST

I Wanna Know..

i watched tv jst now and i came across an old video clip..not so old anyway.. the title of the song is Joe- I Wanna Know..its a few years back but i still love it anyway..WHY? becoz of the lyrics...
Posted by .sHa.without 666. on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 08:41:00 PST

To everyone..

jst wanna say thank you for all da comments and raya wish..sorry 4 not replying to all ur comments..there has been a problem with the modem so i cldnt online for almost a month..but im back here alrea...
Posted by .sHa.without 666. on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 09:57:00 PST