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About Me

I go through periods of fascination and then complete ignorance. At the moment I am interested in the theme and meaning of exodus in contemporary society. For instance, suppose you were wandering in the desert, aimlessly. Suppose you did not know the history of your peoples' slavery, nor the promise of milk and honey to come. You just found yourself immersed in a tribe wandering the wilderness. Sure, there are a couple of people who are responsible for the discipline of the tribe, and derive their authority from some place, although your not sure. Why should you listen to these apparently self-anointed authority figures who just lead you around in the desert? Can these wanderings be meaningful without the past or the future? So I suppose I have told you a bit about myself while not really writing about myself. Maybe tomorrow I will have a new fascination and whomever can learn a little bit more about me.Maybe notThese silly things never suprise, just confirm the perception of your own identity
You scored as Centrist, Without you politics would be unbalanced. You keep the extremists in line! Working as the "middle-man," things get done because of you. You probably call yourself an independent.







Environmentalist (Green)









What is your true Political Ideology?
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

martin luther king, jr-mahatmat ghandi-henry d. thoreau-absurdity-socrates,just so i can figure out what that gadfly was getting at- eh , a plethora of other people whome I shant call into being at the moment

My Blog

role of the stockholder in a capitalist system & social business

Some random thoughts on this book I am reading. It is Creating a world without poverty, written by one of the progenitors of microcredit and social business, muhammed yunus. The baisc principle of it ...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 07:19:00 GMT

government regulation

Just some random thoughts on a discussion concerning the credit crisis and subprime housing bubble.  If these guys on the panel will admit to the need for some sort of government regulation, than...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 07:37:00 GMT

buddha's dilemma

I'm not really writing this as a blog thing, more as a convenient way to write down some thoughts pinging around in my head. To be honest I will be surprised if anyone decides to read anything that I ...
Posted by on Sun, 14 May 2006 15:13:00 GMT