Ad Ruinas profile picture

Ad Ruinas

About Me

Synaesthesia out now!

For virtual purchase write a message to [email protected] .
To get the record directly, you can go to:
Bogotá, Colombia
Rocka Rolla and Rolling Disc, at Vía Libre Shopping Hall,
or Viuda Negra Store in Suba
Tattoo Alex in El Poblado and Manitu Records at Paseo la Playa
Stockholm, Sweden.
Sound Pollution and Repulsive Records, in Gamla Stan
Rock House, on Kungsgatan
Oslo, Norway.
Neseblod Records, on Rathkesgate
San Antonio, TX, United States
Black Coven Shop
Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States
Metal Music Distribution
Abscondita Regna-Synaesthesia 2004
Abscondita Regna

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Adrian Reyes' musical education began in 1989. At the age of 6, he attended guitar classes taught by a gipsy family. He began playing small local venues in 1995. His first-ever demo would be recorded and named Downcast 4 years later. His musical talent is complemented by his interest in languages. After finishing his studies in philology, he began putting his own musical ideas together into a solo project that was to be called Ad Ruinas. He began recording at his home. His drums, bass, vocals and, of course, guitar performances were combined with some programming into a 11-track harmonic discographic material. In his music, you will be able to identify some influence by Melodic Metal current styles.
Self-produced, Synaesthesia is a mixture of musical nuances that range from raw styles to colourful melodies. You will also find a variety of components like abstract imagery, metaphorical richness, and multilingual poetry; carefully put together into a complete masterpiece. The Cd includes PC-compatible video and audio bonuses. This work is currently being promoted personally in Europe and the USA.
Currently, freelance film producer/photographer, Mattias Olsson is working on a Documentary on identity from a case-study perspective, in which Ad Ruinas' tunes were chosen for the musical background. In Colombia, Asterión Theatre Group features original Ad Ruinas' music in its plays, including Ciudad Gótika.
La formación musical de Adrjan Reyes comienza en 1989. A la edad de 6 años toma clases de guitarra con una familia gitana. Así comienza a realizar eventos locales modestos en 1995 para luego grabar su primer demo, Downcast, cuatro años después. Su talento artístico se complementa con su gran interés en los idiomas; así es como, después de terminara sus estudios de filología, comienza a organizar sus ideas musicales en un proyecto solista que sería denominado Ad Ruinas. Su producción músical combina interpretación de batería, teclado, voces y, por supuesto, cuerdas en 11 cortes de material discográfico, cuyas influencias del estilo contemporáneo en el metal melódico son claras.
Synaesthesia, obra autoproducida, es una mezcla de matices que fusiona la crudeza con algunas melodías de diversa tonalidad. Así mismo, incluye varios elementos como arte abstracto, riqueza metafórica y poesía en diferentes lenguas; que se han mimetizado con cautela en una única obra maestra. El disco compacto incluye además material adicional en video y audio. Actualmente, el creador mismo de la obra ha emprendido la tarea de promoción en Europa y Estados Unidos.
Adrjan es el primer colombiano que además integra el sonido de guitarra eléctrica de 8 cuerdas en sus melodías y ritmos.
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My Interests


Member Since: 2/20/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Adrian Reyes. (Vocals, guitar, bass, drums, and keyboard)

Adrian is the first Colombian musician ever to use Ibanez 8-string guitars in his melodies and riffs.

"Not even a trace will be left from me... Only music echoes through time" Regum

Influences: Music speak louder than words!
Sounds Like:

Whimsical Punishment
Winds from the past
Cathartic deliria
The pace of sorrow
Alterlose Einsamkeit
Le seuil du silence
El elixir de la discordia
A paragon of ensphered fractals
Abscondita Regna
____ -Video and audio bonus

Links "Massive guitars, thunderous drumming, but above all, melody"
Read Synaesthesia Review by

And at Spirit of Metal

Interview in Spanish by El Fortín del Caballero

At Encyclopaedia Metallum


My Blog

Letras de Ad Ruinas - Traducción al español

Castigo caprichosoLa demencia impulsiva invade mis sentidos, emana con fuerza el deseo sombrío. esta noche los impulsos funestos y lúgubres se habrán de entrelazar. No temo mi perdición pues la noche ...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:21:00 GMT