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chica bonita

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a very energetic and fun-loving person that loves chillin with all my friends and my family. I'm super out-going and think its cool to meet a variety of people so my world stays interesting. I think im pretty entertaining so "sara's" world wouldnt get too boring but i enjoy diversity in my life. I truly believe we all need different types of people around us because we can learn other cultures and ways of living. Also, if we continue to mix with one another we can have the best of every world.(with some pretty ass skintone too) I have the best times ever when im out with my crew (yall know who you r) just actin supa goofy and not havin a care in the world. So if any yall that eva see us out and wanna hate...maybe you should lighten up and join in because we have mass fun!! I totally luv sports and have grown up on everyone but my favorite is NFL and then college hoops. my daddy has a sporting good store so sports surround my fam. since i was way lil, i remember goin to UC football and basketball, reds games and ya already know we stuck wit the bengals thru good, bad, & ugly, WHO DEY BABY!!!!! I am a girly girl like crazy but i luv the gym so i like it hard and luv a good sweat---sorry had to go thurr. But fa real tho...make-up and fashion are my passions and would luv 2 get involved in the world of traveling from fashion show to fashion show in NYC, MIA, PARIS, fuckin MILAN, any and everywhere. But 4 now, Im livin n Hollywood, CA in pursuit of learning & succeeding 2 further my wish me mass luck bc im nervous as hell but hyped as eva. {But i'm hella sad bc i miss my family, friends, and my entire life i've always had in da nati---it's all good bc i know they'll be out 2 visit}

Stuff for your blog!

Stuff for your blog!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Id like to meet mass peeps but 4 da ones i can think of now.....oprah, michael vick bc he's fine as eva and morris chestnut..4 the same reason, madonna,joseph pilates 4 helpin me get healthier, adolf hitler so i can punch him in his grill, my mama's mom bc she passed b4 i was born, michael jordan, ellen so i can laugh my ass off---that goes 4 chris rock, mike epps, chelsea handler, jamie foxx..., the whole crew from entourage, paris so i can ask her why she be actin like such a fool, diddy fa sho but not bc i wanna fuck him but bc he a bad ass entrepreneur, hugh heffner bc oh my googli moogli he doin somethin right, his one girlfriend kendra bc i think we'd have a blast togetha--she funny, martin luther king, jr 4 havin a dream and sharin, rosa parks 4 bein tired of the bullshit and finally standing up, everyone else in the world who contributed and continues to integrate society!!!!! uuummmmmmmm......who else? of course...absolutely jesus!

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