Stuff for your blog!
Stuff for your blog!
Stuff for your blog!
Stuff for your blog!
Id like to meet mass peeps but 4 da ones i can think of now.....oprah, michael vick bc he's fine as eva and morris chestnut..4 the same reason, madonna,joseph pilates 4 helpin me get healthier, adolf hitler so i can punch him in his grill, my mama's mom bc she passed b4 i was born, michael jordan, ellen so i can laugh my ass off---that goes 4 chris rock, mike epps, chelsea handler, jamie foxx..., the whole crew from entourage, paris so i can ask her why she be actin like such a fool, diddy fa sho but not bc i wanna fuck him but bc he a bad ass entrepreneur, hugh heffner bc oh my googli moogli he doin somethin right, his one girlfriend kendra bc i think we'd have a blast togetha--she funny, martin luther king, jr 4 havin a dream and sharin, rosa parks 4 bein tired of the bullshit and finally standing up, everyone else in the world who contributed and continues to integrate society!!!!! uuummmmmmmm......who else? of course...absolutely jesus!