WA GWAN... I am not a druggist, ganja dealer, or any variation of a drug dealer. I dont live in a hut, under a palm tree, or on the beach. and I dont know Bob Marley (R.I.P), Sam the Jerk man, or the Fudgie man from KINGSTON, although I..m sure they are irie people. I have a DON not a Prime Minister! I speak ENGLISH not JAMAICAN! AND ITS PRONOUCED MAN, NOT MON, MAN! I proudly wear my flag on a REGGAE BOYZ shirt! I believe in riots, not protests! I eat pear, not avocado! Its called FOOTBALL, not SOCCER! And I never take responsibility for my actions! Jamaica is the First Nation of weed, The largest english-speaking caribbean Island, and the BIRTH-PLACE OF REGGAE! MY NAME IS SHAWN, AND I AM JAMAICAN!!!