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You laugh because I'm different...I laugh because your the same as everyone else...

About Me

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I'm a Senior !!! '09 BABEEEE !!! woot-woot !!..I love my friends..I hate lieing..I hate sadness :( .. I love happiness :)..I love anything bright and shiny * ....My favorite color is Orange.. favorite # is 9...I don't have that many Chick friends, they always make assumptions before getting to know me :/ .... I love eatin' raw cookie dough cuddled up with a blanket watchin a sad movie :'(..I'm nice, but very gullible...been lied too :-X...been cheated on...Made HUGE mistakes >:0 ..... but learned from them :)....I miss someone...I love someone :-* ..I don't hate neone :)..I drink coffee at midnight when I can't sleep and watch cartoons :P.. ...I try to include the misfits when I'm a misfit myself :/ because I am my own person :D ...Nobody out there is like me..I'm a very emotional person <3...&& i put myslf in situations that are hard to get out of...and then nobody undestands me.. like the one im in now =/ .. My middle name is Taylor...Favorite holiday is Halloween used to take horse riding lessons..I went to manner school ( thats why i sit straight most of the time..)....I can probable burp louder than anyone you know favorite movies are Patch Adams and Serendipity :D ...i love wrestling...i love favorite symbol is a FOUR LEAF CLOVER !!!!!!....I hate living in selma...I will always put others first and myself last... I lOvE to make people laugh :D its my daily goal.. I LOVE MY LIFE && EVERYONE IN IT <3.........thats me :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus :) & Jesse James

My Blog

Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 12:26:00 GMT

Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 12:11:00 GMT