Well i love puppys, pumpkin pie, and making fun of random people behind there backs. i hate
and enjoy going to the movies and making jello shots. Im not good at any sports but i ♥love♥ to sing, but im a little shy. The sight of the ocean is calming, except the fact that i almost drowned about three times. The two people who i keep close to my heart are my girls Natalie and Sondra. they have been by my side for about 8 years now and im so lucky i have the two best friends in the fuckin universe! I fall for men too easily which makes me a target for heartbreak, but i always seem to scoop myself up. i have a hard time paying attention, especially after toking on a couple bowls. maryjane is always close to my heart...literally, it circulates my lungs and sticks to my arterys, so basically maryjane is apart of me <3 right now, im trying too find out who i am and who i realy want, men are just apart of some big plan to screw over as many girls as they can. i love too much but get none in return which leads me to the question of why i try too hard? because all i want is a person who knows me, a person who wouldnt want to hurt me, a person who would tell me its ok, to tell me never to be afraid as long as hes around. i dont want to search anymore, i just want something of true unperfect perfection ♥To love is to sacrafice hope and sanity♥these are two of the people i keep close to my heart! <33 they are amazin. i just wish billy was here. COME HOME BILLY!this is julian and gino! thereeeee awsome!!!