Justin profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

! Long uber survey of doom! About yourself.
what is your: ?
name:: Justin
age:: 20
birthstone:: purple
astrological sign: Peices
year of the Chinese Zodiac:: Tiger
hair:: yes
eyes:: blue
height:: 6' 2"
body type:: human
gender:: Male
special features:: wouldnt you like to know
Movies:: Fight club
Books:: College humors guide to college
Bands:: Limp Bizkit
Magazines:: maxim
websites:: netflix
tv shows:: seinfeld and friends
colors:: neons
shapes:: triple mongoose
flowers:: cactus
Disney characters:: dopey
food:: seafood and steak
deset food:: pecan pie
sports team:: vikings
animals:: dog
sport to play:: pool or golf
sport to watch:: football
time of day:: night
words:: swass
feeling:: happy
games:: guitar hero
writing utensil:: marker
song:: bohemian rhapsody
Your personality
feeling you feel most often:: happy
people describe you as:: ...i dunno
you'd describe yourself as:: ...i dunno
interests:: hanging out
hobbies:: playin guitar once in a while
object you relate to most:: stereo
your themesong would be:: Free Bird
feeling you wish you felt most often:: extreme bliss
goals:: finsh college and start a family
desires:: find the special someone everyone is looking for
fears:: failure
what do you like most about yourself?: easy going
what do you like least about yourself?: cant make up my mind a lot
style:: plain/average
If you were a(n) _____you would be...
animal:: sloth
magical creature:: dragon is the only one i can think of
emotion:: happy drunk
season:: summer
spice or scent:: vannila
article of clothing:: bra
piece of jewelry:: cross
color:: camo
drink:: tequilla
cartoon:: beavis and butthead
person of your choice:: me
your mother:: that doesnt make any sense
the president:: huh?
Best friend(s):: ummm too many
close friends:: too many
distant friends:: too many
those you would like to know better:: gota few
you are losing:: ones from college and HS
who you'd die for: i dunno
who'd die for you: i dunno
most trustworthy: a bunch
untrustworthy: not many
Hottest:: they are all dead sexy haha
Best dressed:: none really
Worst dressed:: long as they are dressed it works for me
Coolest style:: all of them
Best personality:: all are unique so i like it
Funniest:: way to many
Quietest:: tonka
Loudest:: scott
Tallest:: josh maybe?
Shortest:: scott
most fun to be around:: all of them
give best advice:: a bunch of them
most likely to kill themself:: none i hope
most likely to become famous:: probably none
most likely to get rich:: ehhh probably none
most likely to have children:: a lot
most likely to go goth:: tonka
most depressed:: none
craziest:: all of them
most needy:: i dunno
most annoying:: i dunno
most helpful:: all of them
scariest:: none
coolest:: all
Romance. In a boyfriend/girlfriend you prefer:
them to be a guy or girl:: girl
height:: short/average
body type:: slim but not too skinny
hair color:: either way
eye color:: whatever
style:: themself
how much money:: doesnt matter
type of music they like:: hopefully rock
kiss on the first date?:: maybe
single or taken:: single unless its by me duh
do you want to be single?:: not sure
significant other's name:: dont have one
ever kissed:: yeah
would you again?:: yeah
Have you ever.
passed out:: no
eaten a worm:: nope
gone a week without showering:: no
called a teacher mom:: haha no
planned your wedding:: nope
been kissed:: yeah
had sex:: yeah
ridden in the front seat of a roller coaster: nope
been in an airplane:: yeah
been to Disney:: nope
been on a cruise:: nope
stayed up all night:: yeah
been to the movies alone:: no
made out in the rain:: yeah
been naked in public:: nope
had an embarassing picture taken:: yeah
written a poem for someone else:: yeah
written a song:: no
lost a lot of mone out of your pocket:: no
shoplifted:: dont think so
been called a slut:: no
kissed someone of the same gender:: no
lied to a friend:: not that i can think of
snuck out at night:: yeah
smoked a cigarette:: no
shot an animal:: yeah
done a handstand:: yeah
dreamed in black and white:: not sure
pretended you were someone else:: yeah
been betrayed:: yeah
betrayed someone else:: saddly yeah
gotten lost in a mall:: nope
gotten lost in another country:: no
been to another country:: yeah
been to another state:: yeah
worked at a fast-food restaurant:: nope
been to jail:: nope
fallen out of a tree:: yeah
this or that
MTV or MTV2: mtv
Nick or Cartoon Network:: nick
Black or white:: black
Rock or hip hop:: rock
hip hop or rap:: hip hop
rock or country:: rock
classic rock or punk rock:: classic
rock or metal:: rock
country or opera:: country
Rock or pop:: rock
Pop or alternative:: alternative
Techo or hip hop:: hip hop
goth or prep:: depends
punk or goth:: punk
prep or scene:: huh?
goth or emo:: depends
emo or punk:: punk
scene or unique:: unique
Hot Topic or Hollister: hot topic
Barnes and Noble or Waldenbooks: no idea
America or England:: america
English or Spanish:: english
Coffee or hot chocolate:: hot coco
mint or fruity toothpaste:: mint
1%, 2%, whole, or skim milk:: skim
fruity pebbles or cocoa pebbles:: depends on the mood
Football or basketball:: football
Field hockey or volleyball:: field hockey
chair or couch:: couch
cingular or sprint:: sprint
tv or computer:: depends
Converse or Vans:: vans
Truck or car:: car
beach house or cabin:: both
summer or winter:: summer
spring or autumn:: spring
cows or horses:: horse
cats or dogs:: dog
pool or ocean:: ocean
swingset or slide:: swingset
trees or flowers:: tree
natural hair color or dyed:: natural
milk chocolate or dark:: milk
vegetarian or vegan:: vegetarian
meat eater or vegan:: meat
good or evil:: good
hugs or kisses:: both
boys or girls:: girls
fat or skinny:: skinny
loud or quiet:: quiet
bored or busy:: busy
sleeping or awake:: sleeping
hugs or drugs:: hugs
sun or moon:: sun
Abe Lincoln or George Washington: abe
Republican or Democrat: or
Liberal or Conservative:: or
singing or dancing:: neither
clothes you wore: sweat pants and a cut off
food you ate: hot dog
person you im'd: maggie
person you talked to:: bormann
person who called you:: kymber
word you said:: studying
thing you bought:: movie ticket
thing someone bought you:: my friends are all broke
time you cried:: 3/4 a year ago
music you listened to:: rock
tv show you watched:: freinds
time you laughed: few seconds ago
person to make you laugh: bormann
survey you filled out: 1/2 year ago
family members:: mom and dad
role in family:: only child
like them or not:: sure
describe your family in one word:: unusuall
hell, describe yourself in one word:: different
favorite family member:: i dunno
least favorite family member:: i dunno
Other. this is ending.
any special talents?:: hand farting and loon call
Country you'd like to visit:: australia
skills you wish you had:: better study habbits
what you want to learn: play guitar better
what do you think of love?:: its work but its out there
who do you most admire:: jesus
any secrets?:: dont think so
what's your computer desktop background?:: harley v-rod
have a website:: nope
what's your sn:: you got the wrong guy, im the dude man
word association. type first word that comes to your head when you see:
moon:: night
blue:: water
leaf:: tree
computer:: screen
boy:: child
football:: vikings
square:: box
moose:: antlers
car:: cougar
love:: heart
tear:: sad
knife:: sharp
ring:: phone
jelly:: donut
pants:: torn
fingernail:: clipper
mystery:: sherlock holms
breakfast:: eggs
door:: closed
ear:: drum
the Used:: thrift store
end:: cool
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My Interests

Playing pool, golf, guitar, hanging out with friends, watching movies, lifting weights, ice fishing, hunting, going to TEC, skateboarding, snowmobiling and riding a crotch rocket when i can, and just relaxing by the beach
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I'd like to meet:

A nice girl who is trustworthy.dominoes pool

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All types of rock, and some rap or hip-hop


Psychological movies are my favorite, especially if they have a twist ending. Any good comedy will do otherwise. Favorite movie is Fight Club.


Seinfeld, 3rd Rock from the Sun, and Friends.
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college humor guide to college
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The guy who invented Grand Junction, Guy who invented Big Boy, and Jesus