Lots of partying,drinking and dancing. Love catching up with the girls and generally having fun. Hmm,does drinking count as an interest?...Yeah it must do!
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Anyone thats got a cool outlook on life and that can entertain me!
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Music taste is very random. From anything with a funky house vibe thru to killers,to david gray,to take that then of course to the old skool 70's disco. So pretty much anything really.
Hmm,hard one.... LOVE Forest Gump. Don't know why exactly but do! Any thing that makes me laugh and can laugh at itself. Love all the old girly favourites too, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Women etc.
I am so into The OC at the moment. Have just worked my thru series 1 and 2 cos missed it the first time around. What a mission. And what a sad life i must've had whilst doing it! Will and Grace is another favourite of mine.Again anything that doesn't take itself too seriously. Americas Next Top Model is one programme that definatly makes me wanna laugh til i cry! Love it!!!
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My mum and dad will always be heros to me. oh yeah,and Barbie! Wat a hoebag! lol!