Profile Generatorim 17 now lol dnt feel it tho ... i still like days spent climbing trees and eatin wild rubarb by the burn and making bases sadly i get them very rarely now if ever. I like old and new video games an cartoons like ...BIKER MICE FROM MARS AN SPYRO LOL i also like spawn i spend my days doin art which i love an music i also like to spend my time with a certain girl who u can read about below she is amzin. But i do spend alot of time with my lil bro Dave (opps not allowed to call him that i mean jamie =p lol) I like just acting and playin like a lil kid when im with my frieneds i cant be assed being mature i intend on being as immature until i hit 50 then until i die im goin to be a crazy old grummby git until the lid on the coffin is closed im gonna leave a note complainin about my funeral for ppl to read when im dead like ..... u didnt even back me some lunch in the coffin an no miny bar if i wasnt lazy u would be getting a haunting anyway enough rammbling just comment me for a chatI HAVE A PANDA !!!!!! im so kool
adopt your own virtual pet!Another major part of my life is my kateekins she is my whole world and i love her so much. We have the most random conversations and games which make me smile and laugh so much =) she is a great person and gets woken up by my lil pup meggy when she sleeps at my house lol