My Friends, Writing, Walking, Reading, Traveling, Acting, Producing, Photography, Dancing, Laughing, Cuddling, Yoga, Talking shit, Making Doves Cry, Hiking, My Computer, Civilization IV, Coming up with new ideas, Bradley Basketball, Entrepreneurship, Women, Cleaning (neat freak), Sleeping, College Basketball, NBA Basketball, NY Mets, NY Giants, NY Jets, Michigan Football, LA Lakers
The only thing I truly ask for from people I meet is honesty. I have a hard time making friends even though I am a nice person. I am not a person who goes out of his way to talk to total strangers, but I always give people a chance. If you're cool, if we have any common interests, sure I would love to be friends with a person like that.
I have a few female friends, although I find it harder and harder to find them because either their boyfriends think I want to sleep with them or their girls think I want to sleep with them. Trust me, the only way I'd want you sexually is if you could give me a film or television deal. So if you can't give me that, let's keep it cool. If you're smart, funny, ambitious, real, or any combination of those that would be great. If you have a great rack, that's a plus too. If you have a big dick, well... let's just say... NO HOMO!
70's Funk, 80's Music, Pop, Hip Hop, Rock, even some classical and heavy Metal. I'm not really a music snob. I like tons of people and if I had to create a top ten in no order (after Prince and George Michael), I'd say Ralph Tresvant, Ralphael Saadiq, DJ Quik, Christopher Williams, New Edition, Jon B., Michael McDonald, Rick James and Marvin Gaye.
Hip Hope needs to clean up it's act for the most part IMO. Too much commercialism and not enough content. It sucks too because I love Hip Hop. Oh and I need to throw a little shout out to Hall & Oates. I pretty much had heard all of their music before, but this past year has rekindled my love affair for their music and they have now shot up into my top 5 all-time. "You Make My Dreams Come True"
Love tons of movies, but mostly comedies. Laughter is food for the soul. Total Recall, Wedding Crashers, Big Lebowski, 40 Year Old Virgin, Office Space, Beverly Hills Cop, Dodgeball, Anchorman, Confidence, Glory, A Soldiers Story, I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, any Eddie Murphy movie from the 80's and a bunch more. Blah, blah, blah...
It's hard to watch TV nowadays considering how bad most of these reality shows are. I do enjoy watching Seinfeld Re-runs and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.
I don't read many books, mostly internet sites and .. articles.
My mother. That's the list.