C.E. profile picture


A man's home is his coffin... © Al Bundy

About Me

3 words best describe me:
Ambitious… Passionate… Relentless…
Unlike many who work in Los Angeles, dreaming of becoming a huge celebrity, I am not a person who lives via dreams and/or fantasy. I am way into the world of reality. I have had many obstacles and struggles since graduating from college. From no job, no income, near homelessness countless times to adequate savings, driving cars that aren’t mine and going to Hollywood parties on someone else’s dime. I am moving up albeit slower than I anticipated, but when people view it from a distance they say I am moving pretty quickly.
This week marks the end of an era working for my current boss (it only lasted nine months). I am going to miss them, although I will remain in contact with them. I am moving on to work for Benny Medina as his right hand man, dealing with all of his personal affairs. Not an easy position by any stretch of the imagination, but definitely something I feel I am well equipped to handle.
I am an actor, writer and producer, just like everyone else in this damn town it seems. Believe it or not, how I write is indicative of how I speak. There is no faux in my step. I speak from the heart and say things I really mean. If I think you’re beautiful, I’ll tell you. If I don’t think you’re beautiful, I’ll walk away. Simple, ya got it? Good.
As for my career, I have hit a bit of an impasse, as I have learned how difficult it can be to write and work at the same time. The good thing is that all of my pre-LA experience has prepared me, as well as some of the hard times I have suffered in the past year and nine months.
Even though things haven’t always been smooth for me and I have heard the word no, about one too many times, I still feel like I am making progress. I think I should change my name to “Matter of Time,” because that’s really what my life has become. It’s only a matter of time till I am the most influential man in this business. I have written nine screenplays, twelve sitcom pilots, four horror treatments, four television drama treatments, two spec scripts, eight synopses for screenplays I am currently writing and have a million (and one) ideas that I can lean on right now.
Best believe I am not hurting from a creative standpoint. I guess in my life, I have realized that this is a now or never stage. I don’t date, drink, smoke or do drugs, as my focus is 100% on achieving the goal I set for myself in Hollywood. I am here to be the best, not make the most friends, throw the best parties or even have the best looking women on my arm. As is said, everything I do is about me, and how I choose to view my life and shape my world.
It’s about doing what you love, when you want to do it, without caring how other people feel about it. I am a leader, a hard worker, a team player, a good friend, teammate and confidant. I love you, if you love me and I give all, if you give all. I go hard for mine; you gotta go hard for yours. I sleep, eat and drink ambition and I’ll crush anyone who dares to squash my hunger.
My only hope is that, that hunger doesn’t leave me when I make it. I guess we’ll have to see what happens. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

My Friends, Writing, Walking, Reading, Traveling, Acting, Producing, Photography, Dancing, Laughing, Cuddling, Yoga, Talking shit, Making Doves Cry, Hiking, My Computer, Civilization IV, Coming up with new ideas, Bradley Basketball, Entrepreneurship, Women, Cleaning (neat freak), Sleeping, College Basketball, NBA Basketball, NY Mets, NY Giants, NY Jets, Michigan Football, LA Lakers

I'd like to meet:

The only thing I truly ask for from people I meet is honesty. I have a hard time making friends even though I am a nice person. I am not a person who goes out of his way to talk to total strangers, but I always give people a chance. If you're cool, if we have any common interests, sure I would love to be friends with a person like that.
I have a few female friends, although I find it harder and harder to find them because either their boyfriends think I want to sleep with them or their girls think I want to sleep with them. Trust me, the only way I'd want you sexually is if you could give me a film or television deal. So if you can't give me that, let's keep it cool. If you're smart, funny, ambitious, real, or any combination of those that would be great. If you have a great rack, that's a plus too. If you have a big dick, well... let's just say... NO HOMO!


70's Funk, 80's Music, Pop, Hip Hop, Rock, even some classical and heavy Metal. I'm not really a music snob. I like tons of people and if I had to create a top ten in no order (after Prince and George Michael), I'd say Ralph Tresvant, Ralphael Saadiq, DJ Quik, Christopher Williams, New Edition, Jon B., Michael McDonald, Rick James and Marvin Gaye.
Hip Hope needs to clean up it's act for the most part IMO. Too much commercialism and not enough content. It sucks too because I love Hip Hop. Oh and I need to throw a little shout out to Hall & Oates. I pretty much had heard all of their music before, but this past year has rekindled my love affair for their music and they have now shot up into my top 5 all-time. "You Make My Dreams Come True"


Love tons of movies, but mostly comedies. Laughter is food for the soul. Total Recall, Wedding Crashers, Big Lebowski, 40 Year Old Virgin, Office Space, Beverly Hills Cop, Dodgeball, Anchorman, Confidence, Glory, A Soldiers Story, I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, any Eddie Murphy movie from the 80's and a bunch more. Blah, blah, blah...


It's hard to watch TV nowadays considering how bad most of these reality shows are. I do enjoy watching Seinfeld Re-runs and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.


I don't read many books, mostly internet sites and .. articles.


My mother. That's the list.

My Blog

My version of Beverly Hills Cop IV (WMA rejected)

Well the truth is, they didn't reject it as much as they have already contracted William Morris writers with Paramount Studios to bring about the 4th installment of the film. Even though it didn't hap...
Posted by C.E. on Thu, 10 May 2007 03:43:00 PST

Your cheeks look chubby...

I am starting to hate improving my life, because now it's showing in my face. I used to say that I wasn't gaining weight, but I finally stepped on the scale and it showed that I have put on 20 lbs sin...
Posted by C.E. on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:35:00 PST

Just another Thirsty Thursday...

The week that was has made me thankful... thankful for my freedom to do everything that I want to do. While I am definitely happy for Mark and Robyn and their newborn son, "Connor," I also realize tha...
Posted by C.E. on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:56:00 PST

Being a lameduck is hard (not to mention tiring).

One of the worst feelings in world is when someone knows you're leaving by a specific date and there still time left before that date. Of course it is standard to put in two weeks before leaving a job...
Posted by C.E. on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 04:53:00 PST

Blogging from the Maternity Ward

9:46 AM Well it's Monday morning at 9:46 AM and I am sitting in a hospital emergency room with no internet connection, but I do have computer in a power jack so that is my saving grace. No interne...
Posted by C.E. on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 12:22:00 PST

Closing the book on a Chapter of my life

As was expressed to me over the phone last night, the prevaling thought was that this was now the beginning of my life. That everything I have done up until this point while serving as a great prepara...
Posted by C.E. on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 10:35:00 PST

Now we wait...

Once again, when we try to move forward, we must move a few steps back. Or as is the case when I don't hear anything for a few days. The good thing is that I will not be changing jobs by the end of ne...
Posted by C.E. on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 03:19:00 PST


That's where I am currently sitting at the moment. I am in the ninth month at my current position, with eyes on another position working for someone who actually knows my current boss. Now of course I...
Posted by C.E. on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 02:05:00 PST

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you...

without a dope rhyme to step to.Back to the grind should be carved into my head like my name is Anthony Mason, circa Knicks '94. Many things have happened in the past nine days. Well I ended up not se...
Posted by C.E. on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 06:46:00 PST

Look to the cookie, there awaits your destiny&

Yesterday I was eating at the china grill on Sunset Blvd (in the Sunset Plaza) and I opened up my fortune cookie, which read:"The world will soon be ready to receive your talents."Then the note procee...
Posted by C.E. on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 02:32:00 PST