| View Show | Create Your OwnI am Kind, happy, healthy, free, confident, optimistic, honest, balanced, natural, fun, spontaneous, and real.A sustainable lifestyle is a daily commitment for me... I dream of building a sustainable home (off grid would be amazing!) surrounded by nature with enough land for horses and a big organic garden growing and preserving as much of our own food as possible and some to share!!!My Mission: to change the world with my own two hands through my businesses..extremely healthy, sustainable, vegan food and plant based nutrition education. My job is to shed light not to master...Love to travel. Best trip ever..trekking in Nepal. Been all around this world... and plan to see the rest.Favorite musician Jerry Garcia. I love the Grateful Dead. I appreciate and enjoy many arts and artists. I need to experience live music often. If you get confused..listen to the music play.I have an awesome 22yo daughter in college and an amazing German Sheperd named Queen Jane who goes with me just about everywhere I go. I am so blessed to recently welcome into my family the best son in law EVER and the most beautiful Grand daughter !!!!
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