I love Warsteiner Bier! Modern Art, Cars, and all that stuff.
Other S12,S13,S14,S15,240/180/200sx owners and some new friends here and there. Whether you're from back home, Hong Kong, wherevers. Whoevers actually as long as you don't smell like ass or have halotosis.
A Tribe Called Quest, Gnarls Barkley, The Dawn, Smashing Pumpkins, M-flo, Dragon Ash, Dabo, Kick the Can Crew, DelaSoul, BEP, Cee-Lo, The Hives, The White Stripes, Dragon Force, Girls Tape Store, GrandMaster Flash, Blur, The Killers, 8ball, Jurassic 5, Electrocute, Old Metallica, Sandwich, Lee Cabrerra, Buddha Brand, M-FLO, Zeebra, Bargrooves Collection, Eraserheads, Joey Negro, all sorts of clubbing, hip hop, trance, house shiznit.
CARS! Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Top Gun, Cinema Pardiso, stupid funny films : Accepted etc.
24, Monk, Lost, The Inside, Missing, Alias, Supernatural, Prison Break *smart shows*
The Game. Best book I've read thus far.
My Grandfather...he was THE man.