TST first started putting on shows in the (tatty seaside) town of Worthing at the start of 2003 in the function room of a small pub called The Vintners Parrot...these shows lasted round about a year, taking place once every month or so, sometimes more regularly...the point of the shows were to bring out of town & basically awesome bands to a place they almost certainly hadn't played before, along with promoting the more local acts...
After the Worthing shows came to an end, we moved to a venue named The Cave in Chichester...these shows were short lived...
It was at this point we moved to The Free Butt in Brighton, where we put on at least one show a month, with an equal dose of local beef & out of town goodness...we also had the extra addition of what we call the "Naughty Corner", where you'll usually find one of the following: a guest DJ, a group of noise makers, or sometimes a crazed lunatic shouting through a microphone!
Following the current closure of the venue though, we've juggled through several venues in Brighton, including the Prince Albert (where we are curently dong regular afternoon shows), Ocean Rooms, & The Hope!
We have also put on occasional shows at the Pavilion Theatre, The Prince Albert, Engine Rooms, Audio!,the Westhill Hall,the Greenhouse Effect...
E-mail us: [email protected]