Natalie A.K.A
Natty, Nanu, Notorious N.A.T, & Nanny!
If you want to know, just ask! I am here for Friends, so other then that-Dont even ask!!!I have 3 Beautiful children & I am so grateful for them. They are my pride. I love my man-I don't know what I would do with out my Adnana banana. I am so blessed each & every day! I have lived in Utah my whole life(no I am not Mormon!!)I am a country girl at heart!! I work full time & raise my kids & when I am not busy doing all that, I love to hang out with my friends!! I love my dogs-I have 2.I am as down to earth as can be, I
am corny, but hey-Thats me!!
Don't message me or ask to be friend is you are just a perv & if you are here to talk shit-if you don't like me, don't look at my page! I don't need drama or people to talk shit here, I am here for friends-NOTHING ELSE!If you are not my friend or I don't approve you, there is probably a good reason.
I believe in treating people how you want to be treated & its not what you say to a person, its what you do to them. I can be your absolute GENUINE BEST FRIEND or if you screw up, the I WILL BE YOUR WORST ENEMY! I hate back stabbers-thats why I am not friend with people like that. Even if they have tried super hard. I trust very few people because of my past experiences..SORRY thats just how I am.
How to make a naughty natty
1 part mercy
1 part crazyiness
3 parts empathy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Serve with a slice of emotion and a pinch of salt. Yum!
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com.
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