Please allow me to adjust my pants
So that I may dance the good-time dance
And put the on lookers and innocent bystanders into a trace . . . . . . . . .
To tell you the truth, this whole description thing isn't my bag.
but with some interesting words and a little bit of time.
I'll see what I can't do, and maybe try a rhyme.
Let's just pray to god, that by the end of this you don't gag!
My name is Josh, I've discovered the true meaning of life.
though I understand the meaning, more than most would.
I can't help but wonder what people would think if they really knew.
and somehow can't see why I should.
I am outgoing and humorous as many would tell me so.
An attractive young stud. (quit feeding my ego, lol)
And talented in the arts of many fields.
A real blast to talk with, even when there's no fun. (rules subect to change)
Some may call me odd, or even strange.
As some of you have already defused. =P
But there's only one goal I'm after.
To put a smile on your face or leave you confused.
An ineresting yet intrigueing.
Moronic and idiotic.
Poetic with Artistic;
Skillz I'm not yet understanding........(some more than others)
My hieght and weight adjust to my size.
While my brain and my heart.
Are still in compromise.
My eyes are brown.
As is my hair.
I'd tell you that my chest is too.
But it's really just bare! =P
I'm mostly mysterious.
And love to be sarcastic.
But there are times when I'm not.
And that's when I'm serious!
There isn't much more about me to tell.
If you really wanna know then message me.
and we'll see what we see.
but if you really don't care.
Then try taking that route straight into hell! ;) ( it's the second door on the left just past the torture room) Muahaha!
(nah I don't care, onlookers are more than welcomed) =P
Now that I'm done making everything rhyme, ....and don't let anyone tell you it's easy! (though it wasn't all that hard) I sometimes answer peoples messages like that,
but very rarely! You'd have to catch me on a good night!
Which every night is about the same, dull, tasteless, boring, unless it's not.....which is only when I or someone make it that way!
I am a poet, and enjoy drawing (when I have the time)
Which doesn't seem to happen very often anymore! Work seems to consume most of my life! When I'm not doing that I'm bowling or headed to the Theater! Don't party much anymore, not that I ever was much of a partier!
I thank those of you who have left comments, it's much appreciated! I'm gonna stop here now though, becuz I don't even like reading stuff this long, though I do sometimes..... if you're special! ;p And if you're wondering about the exclamations after everything I say! well it's just something I happen to do... it's become more or less a trademark of mine! so don't think I'm super excited or possibly yelling, you'll know if I do that! =P