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Jessica Rabbit

love love love

About Me

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These are a few of my favorite things:~Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes~red velvet cake~pit bulls~lemon chicken~the color brown~Ritter Sport~my palm pilot~Hearing, " OH I LOVE YOU MOM" because I made peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes and strawberry milk~snowflakes that stick to my nose and eyelashes~that my husband does the dishes every day~compost~gardening~pharmacology~kidneys, they are amazingI don't like these things~fake nails, particularly on nurses, especially on nurses that work with babies~drafts from my window~growing pains, the kind that make you get up at 4 a.m. when you have to be at the hospital by 6:45 the next day.~ rude people who have a sense of entitlement~ purple things~bananas

My Interests

I have no interests anymore, really, I study and make sure children stay alive. I was cool at one time, I really was and I don't know what happened. Although, I just read something on self hypnosis, and basically you just kinda talk you way into anything. So, if I had interests they would be:~Actually knitting and not just looking at things to knit. ~Reading books that don't contain the words: debridment, nursing process, rectum or infection ~ Walking my dogs, who are wonderfully behaved on a leash ~decorating my home ~baking (which I really do, just not with any great frequency)

I'd like to meet:

people who spay/neuter their pets.people who care about starving children in africa, seriously.people who bitch about gas prices and do something pro-active ( or people that actually give a shit about the effects on the environment instead of just their pocket).people who think every child should have health care, a warm home and food.people who care about the effects of pesticides.people who freely admit they don't know what to do about any of it, but at least take the time to think and try.


My new favorite band is Let's Go Sailing, love it, check it out. The Decemberists, Damien Rice, Rilo Kiley,Ice House, Lowenbad,Jeff Buckley,Rufus Wainwright, Kaki King


Rots your brains, but it's ok to watch........ER, Grey's Anatomy, Sex and the City, 6 Feet Under, Saturday Night Live, and I REALLY LOVE BIG LOVE!


Knitting Heaven and Earth, Great Expectations, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Year of Magical Thinking, The Dogs of Babel, Midwives, Night, The Pilot's Wife, The Pokey Little Puppy, The Polar Express, Stiff-The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers


Worship not false idols