lifestyles of the BROKE and FAMOUS profile picture

lifestyles of the BROKE and FAMOUS

Real Talk, Real Rap, Dont Fake, Dont Act!

About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Top 12 Friends
List your Top 12 Friends in Order
1.: YG Goldie
2.: Lynee
3.: Deshawn
4.: Hawa
5.: Diddy
6.: Mickey
7.: Uneek
8.: Joycie
9.: Money Mal
10.: Candice
11.: Shajuan
12.: Bonnie
Where did you meet number 7?: Ms. Shultz Class
What is 2's middle name?: Simone
Would 1 and 9 make a good couple?: Naw Cause They Both Straight
When is the next time you will see number 12?: PPPP Who Knows!
What is your best memory with number 3?: Baseball Season..NoMo!
Have you met 5's family?: His Uncle Funny As Shit
How close does 10 live to you?: I Dont Know
Describe 4 in two words.: Best Friend
Would 2 and 11 make a good couple?: Naw No Good, Nope Not Goin Happen Captain!
Have you ever seen number 6 do something completely crazy?: Naw But I Heard When She Drunk She Go Off!
Have you ever hugged 8?: Yep Everytime I See Her
Have you been to the movies with 12?: ...Yep A Couple Times
Has 1 ever been to your house?: NOPE
Have you ever been to 11's house?: Yea
What would you do if 3 and 7 started dating?: Naw They Both Straight
Do 2 and 6 know each other?: Yep
Have you ever seen 9 cry?: LOL Naw
Can you trust 2?: I Think So Yea
Where are you .. friends?: My Man Dont Got Myspace
What sports (if any) does 10 play?: None
How did you meet 3?: Ms. Shultz Class
What was your first impression of 7?: This Nigga Is DUMB..Funny!
Have you ever traveled with 4?: The Whole Damn Metropolitan Area
Are you older than 1?: Naw
What school does 6 go to?: Norfolk
Do you see 11 often?: Naw Not More..NoMo!
Have you ever kissed anyone on your top?: Yea Of Course
Have you ever danced with any of them?: Yea Of Course
Which one is the loudest?: A Tie Between Hawa and Uneek
Who is the most trustworthy?: Yg Goldie
Who knows the most about you?: Yg Goldie
Who makes you laugh the most?: Lynee, Hawa, and Deshawn
Who is the smartest?: Lynee
Who lives the farthest from you?: Hawa
Who do you hang out with the most?: Lynee, Hawa, and Deshawn
Who is the last one you saw?: Deshawn
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My Interests

God, Family, Friends, Girls, and an Education to get MONEYYY!(thats mals!)

I'd like to meet:

Im always ready to meet Jesus when that time comes!


BIG, Jay-Z, BoneThugs, Bleek, Da Roc!, Nas, Devin The Dude, JOE BUDDEN, T.I, UGK, Outkast, FABOLOSO!, Ludacris and Young Jeezy sometimes, Common, Kanye West, Tye Tribbett!UCB my favorite band of all time! ABM of course! BYB is the greatest or course, Rawimage started that gogo shit for me, CCB dem niggas be on some other and Black Passion have you feeling yourself(No Homo Though). New Impressions tough to!

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The Bible!..Get ME!(tim joint)


My Mother Alexis Dobbins,and Gilbert Arenas(no homo)!

My Blog

Jay Z vs. Nas

I don't know if anyone's actually going to read all of this. As usual, I kind of got carried away. It took me a couple days of writing in my limitted spare time to put this post together. If it helps ...
Posted by IM JA $FAMOUS$ NOW on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 05:22:00 PST