i love dancing (it's my life & i'd be lost without it. just the feel & sound of a studio floor is magic) music, my mom, my friends, tattoos, hot showers, the Twilight series, laundry fresh from the dryer, laying under huge comforters when it's cold out, stargazer lilies, falling in love, the beach, laughing so hard my face hurts, reading, the smell of a great cologne, holding hands with someone i care about, hearing my favorite song on the radio, lying in bed listening to the rain, slow dancing when there's no music, cooking/baking, Nick @ Nite, chocolate milkshakes, play fighting, bubble baths, cuddling, watching movies with someone i love, a good conversation, summer, looking into their eyes and knowing why they love you, midnight phone calls that last for hours, running through the sprinklers, laughing for absolutely no reason at all, having someone tell me that i'm beautiful, acting silly and playful, waking up and realizing that i still have time to sleep, Disney movies, writing, having someone play with my hair, driving with all the windows down, sweet dreams, hot chocolate, road trips, swinging on swings, watching the expression on someone's face as they open a present, watching the sunrise, knowing that someone misses me, getting hugs from people i care about.