What's Poppin profile picture

What's Poppin

I'm stuck in between..where do i go from here??

About Me

found this heart layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
so you're bored, huh?
name:: Ashley
age:: 18
grade:: Freshman in College
eye color:: Dark brown
hair color:: Brown
hight:: 5'3
what is your favorite thing to do?: Watch t.v, sleep, get money
what do you usually do on the weekends?: Work @ Regal
what is your favorite color?: Red..
finish the sentence...
look at that...: TITTIE
why are you so...: Damn stupid
i dont understand...: Why im so smart
because...: I just don't give a fuck...
i love...: Me, my family, and friends
what do you think about...
gay marrage?: Sure
racisism?: Not da biz
george bush?: Cracker ass..
hiliary clinton running for president?: Don't see it happenin
the world?: Its so screwed up rite now
iraq?: What about it?
random stuff
do you like cheese?: Yea if its cheddar
what about hot dogs?: If their fully cooked
where's waldo?: Good ?
what color is your shirt?: Black
green eggs and ham?: There good
tell me a story.: Not enuff time 4 dat
do you like clouds?: Yea
why is the sky blue?: Idk
why does it rain?: Because we need it
if you died and could come back as anything, what would you be?: Something beneficial
what is your favorite animal?: Cat
why?: Cuz we used to have one
what time is it?: 9 sumthin
what day is it?: Tuesday
what should you be doing right now?: Typin my paper for class
do you like school?: Hell no
why are you doing this survey?: Becuz i was tired of da other one
do you have a best friend?: Yea..luv u Brittney..
this or that?
black or white?: Black
blue or red?: Red
pink or green?: Pink
land or water?: Land
cold or hot?: Hot
circle or square?: OOh..um..square
coffee or tea?: Coffee
raspberries or blackberries?: Blackberries
apples or oranges?: (Green) Apples
snow or rain?: Rain
summer or winter?: Summer
spring or fall?: Spring
peaches or pears?: Peaches
this or that?: This
yes or no?: Yes
single date or double date?: Single
dinner or a movie?: OOhh, both is great
the last four.
what did you do last night?: Um..went shoppin and ate Moes
are you hiding something from EVERYONE?: No
do you have any talents?: I can sing..lalala
can you play an instrument?: I use to but no nemore
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Your Depression Level: 68%
You seem to have moderate depression.
Your symptoms are bad enough that they're effecting your everyday life.
You would benefit greatly from professional help. Are You Depressed?href=http://www.funnypicturespace.com Free Myspace Pictures Free Myspace Pictures..

My Interests

Steppin, Chillin wit my peoples, basically havin a good time wit da right kinda peopleFree Myspace Graphics

I'd like to meet:

Ludacris (of Course), Chris Brown, Nelly, Queen Latifa, and sum more ppl but i 4got
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All Rap and R&B, straight hood all day everyday. Lil' Wheezy, Dipset, Chris Brown, Jaime Foxx, all that good stuff


Set It Off, Boyz N Da Hood, Menace II Society, Juice, O, Remember the Titans, mostly black movies
You Are 35% Normal
You sure do march to your own beat...
But you're so weird, people wonder if it's a beat at all
You think on a totally different wavelength
And it's often a chore to get people to understand you How Normal Are You?


Free Myspace Graphics


Addicted, Flyy Gurl, Tales from da Hood, Sombody's Gotta Be on Top
You Have a Melancholic Temperament
Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.

Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.

At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult. What Temperment Are You?


Top Eight *New&Old Questions*
Meet them
1: Brittney
2: T33
3: Brittany
4: Amara
5: Asia
6: Juice
7: Lakeisha
8: Brittney
Numero One
What's this person's name backwards?: yenttirb
Where was the last place you've been with this person?: In the cafe at Central
What would you buy for their birthday?: Idk..whateva she wants
What would this person most likely be for Halloween?: Something out of the ordinary im sure
Who's this person's teacher/boss?: Our mama
When did you last plan to go somewhere out?: We don't plan, we just go
Numero Two
Who is one person number two is related to?: Mama Janice
Do you have any classes with 2?: Not until next semester
Describe 2 in three words.: Weird, lovable, creative
Where is 2 usually at everyday?: Wit us
Why is this person number 2?: Cuz she's my favorite person besides #1
What color is their hair?: Black
How old is 2?: 20
Numero Three
Name one thing this person likes: idk..myspace probably
What does this person usually do all day?: Its b/t skool, work, and myspace
Where does this person do their homework?: At home im guessin
Does 3 use deordorant?: I would hope so
What number are you on for their top friends?: #3
Where does 3 like to go for vacation?: Somewhere out of country
How long have you known 3?: Since freshman yr. in h.s.
Numero 4.
Where does 4 live?: Raleigh
What does 4 like to eat?: Idk..whateva she feels like eatin
Who does 4 usually hang out with?: Her other friends
Why is this person number 4?: Cuz she's da best
What reminds you of them?: Regal
What was the last thing you guys did together?: Um..i think watched a movie
What does 4 hate?: I'm not sure
Numero 5
Ever gotten into a fight with them??: No
Have they gotten into a physical fight yet?: Naw, we ppls
Does 5 make a cute couple with 7?: I don't see it happenin
Where have you been with 5?: All ova
What would this person be for Halloween?: Have no idea
Where do you see this person in ten years?: Ooohh, rather not say
What do they like to watch on TV?: Whatevas on
Numero 6
Good memory with 6?: That night we went to night life
Where was 6 born?: In Raleigh (i think)
Have you two ever traveled together?: No
Is 6 often on myspace?: Yea changing her pics
What would this person most likely wear?: Sum color tee and jeans
Does 6 take surveys?: Yea
How long have you known them?: Sumtime dis yr
Numero 7
How did you meet 7?: In dance class Junior yr
What was your first impression?: She looks like somebody i know
Describe 7 in three words.: Energetic, emotional, awesome
When was the last time you saw this person?: Sumtime in Oct.
What reminds you of them?: Step team
Where would you most likely see them?: It would be at skool but now, idk
Does this person decorate their myspace?: Yea
Numero 8
What music do they listen to?: R&B
What's one thing in their myspace?: A lot of surveys
What is their default picture?: Her wit da hat on
How old are they?: 18
Do you comment this person a lot?: I mean, at times yea
What's the song on their myspace?: Don't know
How long have you been friends?: Since Freshman/soph. yr. of h.s.
hehe :D
How did you pick out your top eight?: Cuz their all my FrIeNdS...;D
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My Blog

Where my life is headed...

What up tho..as is, my college experience so far is not all that cracked up to be as i thought..At night when i re-evaulate my life and what's happening, i'm not happy at the result of what's goin on....
Posted by What's Poppin on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:19:00 PST

My Forgive and Forgets

Yo my b-day is next week and i'm bout to be 18 yrs.old. I took a minute and thought about what i have been thru which is more like my forgives and forgets. I want to forgive the ones that ha...
Posted by What's Poppin on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 06:36:00 PST

What I be thinkin....

You know, some people think that I am stupid. People be sayin stuff in front of my face thinking I don't be knowing what's up from the get go but I just want to let you know that I'm sm...
Posted by What's Poppin on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 10:49:00 PST

My Boo

Goin on for about 3 months now made me really stop and think about our relationship. You keep thinking I'm gonna break up wit you like everyday and it got me thinking that maybe yo...
Posted by What's Poppin on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 03:24:00 PST

My True Identity

What's good peoples. I think it's time that my true identity is revealed. For the last past couple of months, I've been dating a gurl. My bisexualism doesn't change me for me or who i am, it's just wh...
Posted by What's Poppin on Mon, 22 May 2006 05:26:00 PST