U can has jools nao.
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/shameless plug
I took a beginning jewelry-making class in July 2007; turns out that a completely different medium was just what I needed to break through a years-long creative block. I can't tell you what a relief it is to be creating again.
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Why, yes, I AM a geek.
Even though it's almost a year old, I'm leaving the Transformers plug right where it is. 'Cause giant transforming alien robots kick ass.
The first and best place to find me is on my LiveJournal . Come on over and leave smartass comments!
About me. I just love this question, it's so damn general. It covers many miles of territory, and I haven't a clue where to begin. Doesn't the headline say it all? I am a bonafide, proud geek. My fandoms include Star Trek , Star Wars (originals AND prequels, thanks), LOTR (movies and BOOKS), Harry Potter, Transformers (giant robots, baby!), and Buckaroo Banzai . Recently got completely hooked on, addicted to, and totally sucked in to Firefly.
The hockey thing seems to have... gone dormant. They started losing me a couple of years before the lockout, truth be told. I was getting tired of spending almost every evening in front of the TV.
I go to Denver's big geek/sci-fi convention, Starfest . I went to my first (and I hope not my last) BotCon in June 2004, in Pasadena, California. So yeah, the geekery is fairly rampant, yet I am a mere amateur compared to some paragons of geekdom that I know.
I love art, books, movies, almost all kinds of music. I am a Mac zealot - believer since Nineteen-eighty-six, hardcore since '97. I collect action figures like there's about to be a plastic shortage, and keep buying them for other people even though they DON'T collect action figures. Ferraris, Ford Mustangs, rayguns, and Harley-Davidson motorcycles hold special places in my heart.
In addition to hockey, the sports I like are baseball and NASCAR, even though I've never been in the South in my life. Rusty Wallace is the Man.
In real life, I do prepress work in a print shop, while attempting to do some graphic design like I was trained to, and in some of my free time I also try to do actual art things, even though the fandoms very insidiously creep in on the attempts at art. Yes, I was one of those turning Transformers characters into My Little Ponies.
... Did I just say that out loud?