so i feel i need to update this every year or so. once again for those of you who dont know me my name is matt and i live in new york. i finally finished school and am currently looking for a more full time job in the radio business, preferably on air but ill work at any position while i look for the on air thing, you know? whos ready for baseball? i know i am its been a long off season knowing that the mets gave the division to philly who then embarrassed the n.l. east in the postseason proving to all that they didnt belong there. then along came johan and out went the phillies dreams.....poof it disappears like his changeup on a 1-2 count haha. this season im raising the bar to 60 games. last season i set the goal at 35 but ended up at 50 games....i know thats alot but the part the blew me away is that at one point last summer i went a month without going to a game at shea. this year im heading to an extended spring training/season opening series trip(8 games in total) at the end of march that will take me around florida a road tripping to memphis for the civil rights game. and everyone knows ill be in the lot early on april 8 for opening day at shea so whoever knows me feel free to stop by and say hi. ok ill stop wasting your time and shut johan? hamels sucks and lidge is a bitch
p.s. jeter sucks and Arod swallows
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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