interesting things like chavs, they are strange creatures with strange colloquilisms that i love to listen to, i esp love their socks tucked in and their hands looking for their pubes. or as they refer it as "bobby hair" so ive heard. i find people interesting and goths cos tehy arent people, they are people who have no identity by having one, and anarcists who class themselves, therefore voiding their names.
robDo this, this is something for my job!! :)
everything, id do a list but im not that bored. but a few ill say off the top of my head:Barenaked ladies: they didnt release just one week Incubus: thanx petey motherfucker alanis: fave track her secret one at the end of jagged little pill avril: cos blink: cos i am tom darren hayes: cos he was in savage garden eminem: cos he can rap and i think hes fun evanscence: cos we all want to slit our wrists Linkin Park: i do like them dont hit me or else chester will scream and be sick all over your mum Kristian Leontiou: depressed tunes maroon 5: cos they are bo shank MJ: hmmm cos he is mj OCS: because they are mint REM: cos they are fucking amazing queen: best band ever savage garden: ummm calling: shut up b4 u start black eyed peas: anxiety tune is mint daniel and natasha bedingfieldloads more as u can see i dont have a general category except dave!also for me go here and listen to her first track ;)
whoa tooo many to mention: ill just turn round and look at my dvds. matrix, training day, enemy of the state, fight club, snatch, wedding singer, basketballm leon, swordfish, donnie, shit loads rather be typing sumat else
Is a box people watch
Are paper with words people read.
Kevin Mitnick ha nah ummmm Martin Luther King and Neo and the Dhila Lama