Dave profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

whoa!!! well i dont know actually i do, i have loads to say. im dave, thats best to describe me, i have got no "class" i dont think. call me a trendy and ill do a nollie backflip off craigs board into your face and you may never see me land it. as u can see im a strange boi (im trying to be avril lavigne there). im 6'3 last time i checked that is pointless info, i like all types of music except "Screamo" i think music has to have a beat not someone having an eplitic fit on a microphone. I like sports, bball and football (soccer to the yanks), i like computers not in a gay sense cos computers are infact female, why else would it have so many holes, anyway i digress. its stupid o clock now, i like making friends esp. ones that are funny, i rip the piss alot and sarcastic, and my physcitrist says im "special" but who cares cos he isnt real is he frank.Im currently at uni in the mouth of bourne, i thought i'd update this, cos everyone loves myspace especially this tom guy i mean how many friends does he have really.Currently listening to Dopamine-Save Yourself, they are in myspace friends, a mint band thanks pete making me listen to this band, yet again cos he looks good on teh dance floor.

My Interests

interesting things like chavs, they are strange creatures with strange colloquilisms that i love to listen to, i esp love their socks tucked in and their hands looking for their pubes. or as they refer it as "bobby hair" so ive heard. i find people interesting and goths cos tehy arent people, they are people who have no identity by having one, and anarcists who class themselves, therefore voiding their names.

I'd like to meet:

robDo this, this is something for my job!! :)


everything, id do a list but im not that bored. but a few ill say off the top of my head:Barenaked ladies: they didnt release just one week Incubus: thanx petey motherfucker alanis: fave track her secret one at the end of jagged little pill avril: cos blink: cos i am tom darren hayes: cos he was in savage garden eminem: cos he can rap and i think hes fun evanscence: cos we all want to slit our wrists Linkin Park: i do like them dont hit me or else chester will scream and be sick all over your mum Kristian Leontiou: depressed tunes maroon 5: cos they are bo shank MJ: hmmm cos he is mj OCS: because they are mint REM: cos they are fucking amazing queen: best band ever savage garden: ummm calling: shut up b4 u start black eyed peas: anxiety tune is mint daniel and natasha bedingfieldloads more as u can see i dont have a general category except dave!also for me http://www.butterflyboucher.com/ go here and listen to her first track ;)


whoa tooo many to mention: ill just turn round and look at my dvds. matrix, training day, enemy of the state, fight club, snatch, wedding singer, basketballm leon, swordfish, donnie, shit loads rather be typing sumat else


Is a box people watch


Are paper with words people read.


Kevin Mitnick ha nah ummmm Martin Luther King and Neo and the Dhila Lama

My Blog

probably going to piss alot of people off... haha

well firstly its not a quiz!! Woop! secondly prepare to die. If you are a myspace lover/hater or just use myspace and take this movie into consideration. http://www.davidlehre.com/myspace/play.h...
Posted by Dave on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 07:17:00 PST


im bored as fook ok. doing laods of coursework, one of lecturers is a piece of tit wank, mite shoot him for a laugh. thatsa bout it, still dancing like a leg end, and im sure people will love this, ...
Posted by Dave on Sun, 20 Nov 2005 04:28:00 PST


sum1 tried hacking my accounts, oh well they tried. its "fuckyou"
Posted by Dave on Sat, 03 Sep 2005 04:30:00 PST


Well im back from the big ol' USA im just glad all my kids were crazy, and never listened to me at least some of the time they did. Just thought Id update this, havent used this in a while. All the co...
Posted by Dave on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 01:56:00 PST


Thank you god for making exams i love them xx
Posted by Dave on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


why is myspace so full of sexy girls that obvisouly are too hot for any normal person and they know it, with 32526236 friends, as if. They should get the book "Women who love too much" short title "Sl...
Posted by Dave on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Merry XMAS

Merry XMAS every1 one u fuckers!!
Posted by Dave on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

joe clay

i love u joe, anyway im back in the land of the living dead otherwise chavs on the E's. People say beer is a drug its not its a drink. some random girls add me and joe, and we will come round and mass...
Posted by Dave on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

me this site

just done this site, thanx for craig, petey, and lisa houston without the t. just add me or email me or add me, or shag me (parents or relations not allowed)
Posted by Dave on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST