swimming, reading, movies, vodka, traveling, the beach, corona, MUSIC, flying, maintaining my sanity
I've met alot of people in the time I've been out traveling and moving around with school and work over the years. I just wanna meet some chill people who like to go out and have a good time having some drinks or going to the club or just hanging out smoking a hookah. And for anyone in memphis you get bonus points for even knowing what a hookah is because there is this weird invisible force field around the city that doesn't let many people actually leave and realize there's a world outside of Graceland.
Just about anything. I grew up surrounded by all types of music and was always involved in theatre from the time I was little. I'm not a big fan of hip hop but there is a little that I like.
Wow where to start. Queen of the Damned, LOTR, Matrix, Devil Wears Prada, anything Disney and/or Pixar, I love musicals, Underworld, independant films abound... Rest In Peace Brandon Lee...
Family Guy, Futurama, Law and Order, Charmed, anything sci-fi, QAF, Entourage, etc...
The Alchemist by Paulo Cuelho, Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, The Shannara series by Terry Brooks, and The Wizard of Earthsea series by Ursula K. LeGuinn