gia nicole ♥ profile picture

gia nicole ♥

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About Me

i'm gia.
i have the bestest bestfriend anyone could ask for.
i have an amazing boyfriend.
i'm a senior at bonanza highschool.
i love music & shopping. i'm pretty much up for anything.
i'm pretty laid back & i'm easily entertained.
i talk ALOT. i love laughing & smiling.
i think everything happens for a reason. you can't change fate.
i'm italian.
family & friends mean the world to me.
i love surprises.
i'm really openminded. it can be a good or bad thing.
i can be a big bitch. fuck with my friends, you'll regret it.
i don't like telling people how i feel. i don't trust easily.
i've always been taught to be loyal. also whatever i have to say behind someone else's back, i am ready to say to their face.
i'm not a fake bitch with no morals or standards. i hate ignorant people. i may not be the smartest person you know, but i am intelligent, although i might not always act like it.

My Interests

The People that I Love

you have taught me so much through life. You are always there when I need advice. i can count on you to tell me flat out when i'm being stupid. you are there to cry with me when i am fed up with people and need to talk about how stupid they are. we can IM eachother when we're in the rooms next to each other and laugh our asses off even though we can totally hear each other. Even though we fight a lot you will always be my sister, the bestest sister ever. I love you sissy
i can definetly mean it when i say you have been there through everything. even not being a blood relative you are more family to me than most of my actual blood relatives. i know if i was stranded somewhere in the morning and had no one else to call, that i could call you. i know if anyone hurts me you are the first one to take one of your guns and ask who they are and whats their address. even when you are all the way across town, i can call you just because i crave mcdonalds fries, and you would bring them. i am sure i have been the BIGGEST pain in the ass to you and you have put up with every little bit. i love you alan. you crazy bastard :]

ashley erin stecher
you are my bestest friend in the whole wide world and always will be. You are always there for me no matter what. You are on I can truly trust with the world. We will grow old together. We will run away together. You are what has kept me alive. You are the reason I wake up in the morning. You are not only my bestfriend, you are my sister. There in no one else in the world like you. And there is nothing in the world I would trade for our friendship. I really don’t know what I would do without you.

alana lee
wow how long have we been friends now? Since second grade we’ve pretty much been inseperable. You always get me exited about life and excited about the stuff I tell you. And you knowww we are the best at boy talk. You are my little flirt and rebel and I love you to death. We have never let anything get in our way of friendship, even a couple thousand miles when you go on trips and leave me here! I love you lana!

you are the boy next door. or atleast you used to be! :] you will always be my favorite boy. you will always know what to say to make me laugh. i can't tell you how much i love thinking about the past with you. thinking about seeing you every day were some of my better memories! i love you boo! and peanut butter jelly time is def. our song. haha :]

matthew stewart
you always know how to brighten my day. You make me laugh even when you aren’t trying. You are one of the greatest people I know and I’m so glad I met you this year and have become good friends with you. You are my best guy friend. I love you boo!

gregory gianoulakis
oh jeeze so much to say about you. You always have something to make fun of me for. But it’s okay, I embrace it. You’ve always had my back and you make me laugh. My family absolutely loves you, you have become family. You can come over for dinner anytime. No more meat bread or rotten milk in shakes. Haha. I love you greg.

madison & danielle
you guys are my sisters. My second family. I love being able to come over and talk to any of you about any problems or just laugh and have a good time. I will always be there for you guys to listen or to kick someone’s ass. I love you guys so much.

allie you always brighten my day. you are never mean to anyone and you can always seem to make me laugh. You have been there to listen to all my little problems and always have something funny to say to comfort me. I love you boo. Enrique is no good :]

karie baby
karie baby I love you. We can be such bitches together and talk about nasty ass sluts and not give a shit about what other people think. You have my back and I have yours. We complain together and I love it. You make me laugh so much. I love you boo we will def. be hanging out more.

gabby lover
gabby you crack me up. So loud and such a bitch, we will throw down on anyone that messes with us. You always have stuff to tell me and I always have stories to tell you. We pretty much always know what eachother is talking about. We always know we have similar stories to tell eachother. You are so funny boo and I love you. We need to catch up girl :]

or should i call you daddy? haha.i love you dude. youe made first period actually bearable last year. you crack me up. you're crazy and i love it. i love how you threatens to kick people's asses for me. and i know you totally would. i love you daddy ;]

i love my boo! you are always in an upbeat mood and you make me happy! you're a sexy mamma and good in bed! haha! you makes me laugh so much and i love you!

tim tanner
hey love! you are so cool! we come up with the coolest ideas for points for nhs! and i love our random run ins at shows! i totally love you & am glad you are my husband :]

james newcomb & deborah carpi
holy shit do i miss you two! i loved our weirrrrd times together. going to faith's play and counting how many times they messed up singing. almost DYING in james' car running over the median. me and deb having our blinker on without being in the turning lane, with the windshield wipers randomly coming on with no rain. james, seeing YOU KNOW WHO in the parking lot while we were sitting in your car. we had some errors in judgement, huh? haha. i miss you guys so much.

you and your little sound effects during class crack me up. i can always count on you for a laugh. or someone else to not know what the hell they are doing in math. haha. looking at you during the test like WTF? made me feel alot better. you are my booboo and you have the best reactions to everything and i love you so much! i'm so glad i have gotten to know you this year.

alexandra solis
well i can always count on you to be pissed at the same time i'm pissed! you know exactly what i'm mad about without even having to say anything. and usually you are mad for the same reasons. or we're just mad at nick & matt. haha. we work great together. except with that stupid mousetrap car. i swear the boys messed ours up when we left. they probably stole parts off of ours too! i love you girl! and i will forever be sorry about getting blueberry applesauce all over you!

I'd like to meet:


skylar baby

i've never been happier with anyone else. at times you drive me up the fucking wall & i don't know how i how much longer i can take it. but in the end when i think about it, i can't imagine not being with you. you make me laugh and we always have a good time no matter what.we have had our ups and downs and what matters the most is we stuck with eachother through the hard times. i care about you so much it scares me. i have had alot of firsts with you & i can't imagine it being with anyone else. you're so goofy & you bring the biggest smile to my face.
bestest bestfriend a girl could ask for

bestfriend. she is the most important thing to me. there aren't many people in the world like her. she is the definition of a true friend. i love her with my whole heart.she has pretty much experienced every best moment and every horrible moment i have had. we are attached at the hip. she is the most loyal person i know. we have inside jokes you will NEVER understand. she has my back no matter what. she has been there for me through thick and thin. she is family. i really don't know what i would do without her. i probably wouldn't still be here if it weren't for this girl right here.

best sister ever

my sister has taught me so much through life. i don't know what i would do without her. i'm sorry i've been such a pain in the ass growing up. you have ALWAYS stayed loyal to me. you have my back and i will always have your in return. you mean the world to me. i love you.

allie boo

this girl right here is soo caring. she is always there & she is never mean to anyone. she is sooo fun to be around! she is always there to make me smile & laugh! i love you allie boo!

matty lover

i have loved this kid from the moment i met him. he hates to see me cry & he makes me laugh so much. any guy i date that treats me bad he calls a shmuck. he always makes me smile & i'm going to miss him so much when he's in college. i love you matt.

joejoe baby

this kid is one of the weirdest people i have ever met. but he makes me laugh like no other. i will never forget sitting with you outside ashley's house & sharing skittles while you made animal noises, chewed on my necklace & totally bit my phone & ruined the camera. you're one crazyass kid but i fucking love you to death. you make me smile. especially when you say shit like "i'd take a rock in the face for you". hah. you're a funnn person. love yah joejoe.





"The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say "no"--they may not be smart enough to say "yes."

My Blog

bestfriend<3 is all i care about.

We'd like to say its over We'd like just to forget All of the words we've never said And all the actions we regret We'd like to send the message To each and every friend And thank them all for their s...
Posted by gia nicole ♥ on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 11:08:00 PST

people <3

INSTRUCTIONS:delete these 10 statements,and write your own ten statements,intended to different people.never tell which one is to whothings you've always wanted to tell people 1. i think about yo...
Posted by gia nicole ♥ on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:14:00 PST

life as of now.

Posted by gia nicole ♥ on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 07:06:00 PST


Posted by gia nicole ♥ on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:13:00 PST

confiding & learning.

so i've learned alot of people are going to let you down in life, whether it's someone you really trust, or just someone you are beginning to get to know. people truely create false images of themselv...
Posted by gia nicole ♥ on Thu, 25 May 2006 01:18:00 PST