ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lets see ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mayb
Well to start i have already met some of the most amazin people through my years at Phunk Phenomenon. They have been my co-workers, my friends,and my second family. So would have to say that im content to who i have met in my life for these people have brought me unmeasureable joy. Of cousre if you have the same dreams and aspiration as i do; to strive to become the best you possibly can be. Then i would love to meet you aswell.
Everything!!!!!!!! Really i know alot of people say that but i give everything a shot.
KELLY PETERS DANCE CLASS(ME GREY HOODIE TRYIN TO REMEMBER THAT DAMN DANCE!!).. width="425" height="350" ..this dude is so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well here is carnival 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we only had 8 practices and the 8th and were never together at one time and the 8th practice we were together i changed choreo to fit that stage that day!!!! and we still did it!!!!
My mother is hero.