i'm a walking contradiction, but at least i can say i'm real.
you may not like me, but at least i know i have a pure heart and the best of intentions.
reading, sleeping, being "the girl with big boobs," hitting on everyone, long walks to nowhere, wishing my camera wasn't broken, trying to invent jet packs, yard sales, paying for everything in pennies and nickels, always having fun, tresselin', bad hygiene habits, animals, loving everything, telling and being told stories, laughter, asymmetry, everything is conditional, coffee, freckles, artsy shit, imagination, old people, shows, parties, awkward situations, reading, light hearts, reserved judgments, laughter, star wars, not dating or hooking up ever, disorganization, things that make no sense, smell of rain, truth, red hair, laughter, sleeping, being disgusting, simplicity, disney movies, coffee, animal rights, when strangers smile back. i have a better life than you, sorry.
good luck trying to get a hold of me.