♥Loves♥♥Listening to music♥Spending quality time with my Babe♥Shopping/spending money♥Relaxing in my comfortable bed♥Going out period♥Bailes/Clubs♥Fun atmosphere♥Watching scary movies♥Going to Basketball games♥traveling♥DANCING!!DANCING!! ♥Hates♥♥Commercials♥Loud people♥People who set money on the counter♥Rude people♥Slow drivers♥
Blah-Blah-Blah...what could i possibly say that you might already not know..lets see pues.my name is Alisha Espinoza,this is my profile of course (duh),Well i am respectful and kind to others..but most precisly known as sangrona, callejera..but hey.I go to HS at a school thats okay not a fresh cup of coffee but it will do. I am Very ambitious!!i have goals for myself..High standards.!!I have two jobs; OLd Navy(which has the best crew) y Tia Helitas Mexican Rest..I have been in a relationship a over a year now with my babe Claudio, y lo quiero muchisimo..Everything is more outgoing and more amusing when ever we do something..but i like where we are, we dont want to rush for anything and would rather take time as it comes.. As For Who I'd Like To Meet, Well I Already Got Him♥♥
Spanish graphics from My Onda - www.myonda.com
♥Espinoza Girl's♥
♥banda♥♥Corridos♥♥mexican pop♥♥a lil bit of english♥♥country♥♥umm cant rem anymore but i love music♥
♥Law & Order:SVU♥La hora pico♥Charmed ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Things People Want to Know About YOU!!
Name?: Alisha
Nickname?: Guerita
Age?: 17
Hair Colour?: auburn
Eye Colour?: brown
Occupation?: Customer Service/Hostess
Dream Job?: umm.....Physical Assistant
Dream Car?: Whatever
Do You Have A gf/bf?: yea
If so,Whats There Name?: Claudio
Have You Hugged Them?: yea
Have You Kissed?: yea
Food: chinese
Drink?: water
Snack?: umm.not sure
AFL Team?: whats that?
Player?: huh?
Song?: embrio de amor
Movie?: forgot the name
Show?: charmed
Timewaister?: sleeping
Colour?: blue
Number?: 7
Season?: summer
Word?: puta madre
Shape?: triangle
Room in the House?: mine
Thing You Said?: turn down the music
Time You Cried?: yesterday...=[
Person to Ask You Out?: claudio
Person You Asked Out?: claudio
Thing You Ate?: a burrito
Person You Hugged?: claudio
Person You Kissed?: claudio
Person to Make You Cry?: claudio
Person You Wanted To Kill?: umm no one
Person You Thought About?: my babe
Song You Sang Out Loud?: sweet escape
If You Could be Anywere in the World Now Where Would You be?: with my babe
If You Were Lost in the Desert, What 3 things Would You Have: water, toothpaste, sunscreen
What Song is Stuck in Your Head now: a lot of them
Is there Anyone You Would be Tortured, or Killed for?: umm my fam/babe
What Would a Movie About You be Called?: reincarnation
If You Could be any Animal, What Would it be and Why?: bird they can fly
If You had Invinite Wishes Name 5 Things You Would Change?: all the drama in my life, certain choices and thats it
Have You Ever Heard Of Ma Rainey?: no
Would You Rather be Killed in Order to Save The Person You Love?: yes in a heart beat
Have You Ever Been Out Of Your Current Country?: yes
Bubblegum?: kiwi
Icecream: choc chip
Chocolate (e.g Milk, Dark ect): choc milk
Coke?: sometimes
Pepsi?: sometimes
Freddo?: nada
SupaShake?: whats that?
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♥There are a few but too much to write down♥
♥My hero would have to be mi madre Lucila. Shes my best friend. I can always count on her to be there for me in rough times.She knows the real me and understands where i come from.I love her sooo much and im not sure i'd know what to do if she wasnt here.