My Mom Is My World~ January 16 1955~ JUly 18 2006Im a 28 year old self proclaimed Queen Bee. Being mean to those who think they're better than everyone, but opening my heart to those who have earned it. The importances of things in my life are as follows;
*Family and friends 1st* My close girl/guy friends are like blood relatives.
Screw me over and I may get revenge, fuck with my family or
friends and youll wish you were never born! *Fun*
My family and friends are who I have fun with. I need my fun life to combat my school life. I will never give up my fun time.
I absolutely love to be with my friends and family. If theres a bar, Im there. I was raised by a beautiful Diva therefore I possess Diva-ish qualities.
Anytime I get a chance to dress up, I'll do it. I work, therefore I shop. I'm truley blessed, therefore I sing as much as possible. I show as much love as possible, in order to do that I have to love myself first. I pamper myself because I love myself.
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