Leah profile picture


Death is certain, live well

About Me

OK here it is.....I have the most amazing husband and the greatest dog and most days thats all I need. I like books, movies and music just like most people in the world. I love to drink wine and laugh too loud. I sing all the time but shouldn't be heard. I hate people that do not use please and thank you. People spend way too much time being rude to others. I love to be outside especially when its sunny. Sometimes the sunshine can turn my whole day around. I can't stand littering and guys that drive Miatas. I watch Jeopardy every night cause I like to think I'm smart. I really try hard to help the environment. I want to enjoy fresh clean air and water as long as I'm able to spend time on this beautiful Earth. I also worry alot about the animals of the world. These days I am searching for peace and patience. But my main goal in life is.... I want to visit every country, try every sport, drink alot of wine, eat alot of good food and I want to do those things surrounded with my family and friends."The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside somewhere they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God." -Anne Frank"I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends." Walt Whitman (1819 - 1892) myspace graphics & layouts

My Interests

Spending time outside with my husband and my dog. I have alot of interests but those are my favorite.

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I'd like to meet:

I can tell you who I don't want to meet: superficial, egotistical, pompous, narrow-minded, self-glorified morons. I meet those people everyday.


I love music and there's way too many artists that I love to list.


I love alot of movies and I won't even begin to list them. If you know me you'll understand.


Thank to DVR I watch alot of TV.


I love too read and always have some sort of book with me.


MOM, DAD and my loving husband