I came upon a man once that said to me "Short time here, long time gone." That statement has rather influenced my life in the past few months. I guess I have put my priorities in check. Granted I am in my middle 30's and heaven forbid single but I still have a good time in life. Am I the life of the party? No, I am so much better talking with someone one on one. Let me tell you how hard it is to type this when a cat is sitting infront of the screen. So moving on. I had a rather informative conversation with my older sister today that really made me take a look at how dysfunctional my family is even though I put my outside of that box. Well I realized today that I am one of the reasons that adds to the equation of why we are not as close as we should be. Granted I have unconditional love for all my family members but that does not mean that I have to like them all the time. We have all become so focused on our own lives, we forget to take time out to even just call someone to say I love you.
Man, i hate to say it but I have become my mother and I am not happy!!! I sit here alone with so much energy and thoughts going thru my head I am not sure how to put them in any type of organization. So that was my ramble for the day. I probably should put this on a blog but I am still learning how to work this account. To all that reads this, good luck with all in your life and love the ones that are in your life.