4/21 shining star you make everything changed to another level, u make me understand more about love n fears dat come along our lifes 9/14. you have brought a stronger bond for me tours my love(sejah),me n you been throught staff that ppl wount understand,OR see it like we did, words of others shouldnt get in our way bcause we should know dat our love is strong n not a game.
SEJAH=Every time I have a problem,you listen and make it go away. Never leaving my side,helping me through each and every day. Always treating me so kindly,letting me know you're always there. No matter where I may be,you are always showing that you care.Please know that I always have and will have faith in you. I know you aren't like the rest,you've shown feelings so true. You are unique in every possible way,making my pains leave. I hope you know how much I love you,honestly you mean so much to me.Knowing I have been hurt,you are always there by my side. You make my life so valuable,you are the greatest gift of life. My world was full of hurt and pain,and then you came along. Even though you've been through so much,you always are strong.Everyone has their little imperfections,yours are sweet as can be. You're someone I will give my heart to, you're strong when you're weak. Each and every day I talk to you, my heart starts skipping beats. You are definitely what my world revolves around,you are so unique LOVE=I know it's love, because my heart yearns for you every second of each and every day.I know it's love, because just to sit with you over a coffee,in a simple cafe is like sampling the most magnificent and luxurious banquet.I know it's love because tears well in my eyes at the thought of a single day without you.I know it's love, because you are the first thing i think of in the morning, and the last thing at night, the one I want to turn to in both moments of happiness, and tears.I know it's love, because the thought of you the saying of your name opens my heart wide and lets its secret yearning loose.I know it's love, You know why? Because if this world was different, if we were not as we are, I would be with you forever, giving us both what would make us happy.Yes, I know it's love, and I'm so so lucky, I know its love and you will fill my! heart forever with who you are.
{I lIkE aLl kInDs oF mUsIc} ThEy aRe aLwAyS rELaTeD 2 lIfE iN gOoD wAyS n bAd WaYs ThEy cOuLd hElp yOU oUT oR tEAcH yOU sUmThInG ItS aLsO A wAY 2 eXpREsS YA sELf AnD b hApPy
iM INtO sCArY mOvIeS I dOnT mINd wAtChInG oThEr kINdS oF mOvIeS lIkE fUnNy mOvIeS, hIsToRY mOvIeS,dIsNeY mOvIeS bUt i wIlL gO 2 sLeEp iF iTs a bOrInG mOvIE
WAT EVER IS ON TV (not boring dought)
I lIke boOkS wIt pIcTuReS rEaDiNg iS nOT My tHInG tHe oNlY wAy fOr mE 2 rEaD iS iF i hAvE tO sTuDy oR sUmtHiNg lIkE dAt
i wIlL sAiD dAT mY pArENtS aRE mY hErOeS mY gRaNdmA 4 aLwAyS bEiNg tHeRE 4 mE aNd aLL tHe m.o.b fOr aLwAyS bEInG tHErE fOR mE love layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments