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I am here for Friends

About Me

What do you look for in a guy/girl?(have a perfect person in mind, if you dont have them, make them up)
What harritage should they have? Doesn,t matter
What Religion should they have? also doesn't matter
What kind of hair?(long, short ex.) short hair, dark
How much taller/shorter than you should they be? some what taller im only 5'2
Should they be outgoing? very
Should they be quiet? when its appropriate
Should they have to get along with at leaste one of their parents? yes
What color eyes should they have? brown
Where should you go to be alone? our home
Girls: Would you make him hold your shopping bags? definately
Guys: Would you hold her shopping bags?
Which would you ratehr have them be, prude or horny? (pick one or the other) in between
If they have gone too far, will you be nurvous alone with them? i know my limits
If they drink or do drugs could you possibly accept that, and try and change them? i can accept it
What would you do if you found out they broke a promise to you? be upset
What would their friends have to be like? who the fuck cares
Would you have to have alot in common or not? yea
Would you like them calling alot, or you only call them ocasionally and they call you ocasionally unless the other one asks?
What if they had to move, and they were perfect for you? Would you Break up with them? long distant relationships DONT work.. I miss ya still
Would you have sex with them if they asked you to, and you thought everything was perfect? uhhh YEA
Would you be jelous if you saw them talking to someone of the opposite sex? prolly
would you be jelous if they had to do a project at someone of the opposite sexes house? we're grown ... no school projects
Would you ask them constantly if they talked to certain people you where suspicious about? naw
Would you hold their hand infront of the whole school? if i was in school yea
Would you kiss them infront of the whole school? same
Would you write that you love them on everything you own? i used to do that shit
Would you go around telling all ur friends you did something sexual with them in private? i aint gotta hide or be private about anything
Have you found this person yet? of course
If you really got balls, who is it? (if you think you have found them) Donnie.. my love.. and baby's daddy

My Interests

I love to Dance!!!! And spend time with my baby and my two beautiful kids Michael Cameron and Kylee Marie! But most of all catchin up with old friends that i miss sooooo much

I'd like to meet:

Feel Free To HOLLA at ya GIRL!!


All kinds but mostly R&B and hip hop.. anything i can move to!


Paid in full** Saw** Juice**


MySpace Layouts


A Hero is someone who is always there when your in need and someone who pulls you up when you feel like your slippin and they're love for you is unconditional... so with that said my hero is my Father.. I love you

My Blog

~*So TwIsTeD*~

"Have you ever been in a situation where the best thing you could do is the hardest thing you've ever done" ~*long story but all i can say is losing someone your close to is the worst feeling ever.. I...
Posted by Jodi on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 12:46:00 PST