Seeing new places, building things, creating, sculpture, architecture, design, loud music, thunder, tornadoes, fire, mountains, beaches, rainy days under the covers, good laughs, the sharing of ideas, wine, beer, most liquers, mind altering experiences, and most of all, I love sexy, smart, couroius, beautiful women.
I like most music that is made for the art and not to make a buck...TOOL, NIN, Johnny Cash, Beatles, Stones, U2, Pink Floyd...theres so many...I love music...ummm...311, aperfectcircle, aerosmith, aliceandchains, bjork, bluemangroup, bobdylan, boston pops, buddyholly, bush, cake, carrs, chuckbarry, creedence, davematthewsband, deftones, depechemode, doors, duranduran, eagles, elvispresley, filter, fionaapple, fleetwoodmac, fightersofoo, gloveandspecialsauce, garbage, glennmiller, gunsnroses, gypsykings, helmet, hendrix, incubus, inxs, janesaddiction, janisjoplin, johnlennonsolostyle, korn, ledzeppelin, lennykravitz, lynardskynyrd, massiveattack, moby, nirvana, ozzyosbourne, pearljam, poe, police, portished, prick, pushmonkey, radiohead, rageagainstthemachine, redhotchilipeppers, sarahmclachlan, simonandgarfunkle, smashingpumpkins, smiths, sneakerpimps, snoopdoggiedog, soundgarden, staind, stevierayvaughn, stonetemplepilots, sublime, systemofthedown, tearsforfears, thechemicalbros, thecult, thecure, theymightbegiants, toadies, tompetty, typeonegative, vallejo, weezer, willienelson, wu-tang-clanaintnothintofuckwith, that Ive said my A,B,Cs wont you come and sing with me!
Garden State, American Beauty, Donnie Darko, Office Space, The Big Lebowski, School of Rock, Shawahank, and many many others
Extreme Home Makeover, 24, College Football, Comedy Central, Modern Marvels, usually whatever I'm watching for the 2 seconds before I switch the channel, whatever happend to quality scripts
The Fountainhead, The Da Vinci Code, A Brief History of Time, The Discoverers, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, and a few more
Frank Lloyd Wright, Thomas Jefferson, Bill Hicks Quote: (A possitive drug story on the news) "Today a young man on acid realised that all matter is merly energy condenced to a slow vibration. We are all one contiousness experiencing itself subjectivly. There is no such thing as death. Life is but a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves,'s Tom with the weather.) and Dad...Dude hes awsome!